Hi Everybody,<br>I've got some problems to import hdf file in grass 6.2.3 on ubuntu<br>I've got hdf file with AST05, AST07,AST08 and AST09 format<br>for each bands of these hdf file with a little shell script, I imported in grass with following commands:<br>
<br>#gdalinfo to have the band name:<br>gdalinfo $INPUTHDF$i |grep "SUBDATASET_[0-9]*_NAME"|cut -d"=" -f2|grep "Band"> /tmp/bast2<br clear="all"><br>#gdalwarp to project the band<br>gdalwarp -s_srs '+proj=utm +zone=31 +datum=WGS84' -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=31 +datum=WGS84' -order 3 $j /tmp/band"$jj" 2>/dev/null<br>
<br>#and <a href="http://r.in">r.in</a>;gdal to import<br>r.in.gdal -o -e input=/tmp/band"$jj" output=band"$jj" 2>/dev/null<br><br>Everything is correct for the AST05,AST07 and AST09 file. <br>But for my AST08, the image is very deformed and the rows and columns number aren't corrects (usually AST05 and AST08 have the same number of row and column, but not my grass rasters).<br>
<br>Does anybody have the same problem with importing ast08 hdf file?<br>Is anybody know if the AST08 format is specific ? And if the import protocol for ast08 is different then the others ast formats ?<br><br>Thanks<br><br>
Mick<br>-- <br>M.