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Paul Kelly wrote:
type="cite">On Thu, 13 Mar 2008, Luigi Ponti wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">This works fine in my Cygwin/grass6.2.2
installation, although the GRASS_PNG_READ variable does not seem to be
available in grass6.2
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://grass.ibiblio.org/gdp/html_grass62/pngdriver.html">http://grass.ibiblio.org/gdp/html_grass62/pngdriver.html</a> so the overlay
thing suggested by Paul wouldn't work.
In that case you might be able to use the g.pnmcomp module to compose
the different PNG files together into one image.
Yes, thanks for the tip -- I didn't think about that option.<br>
<blockquote type="cite">Trying the same with native winGRSSS 6.3.0
RC5 is less of a success: (1) no way to set environment variables via
the GUI Output - GIS.m window; (2) not able to start GRASS via cmd.exe
as suggested at
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/WinGRASS_Current_Status">http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/WinGRASS_Current_Status</a>
by typing the following at the cmd.exe prompt:
C:\grass63RC5\bin\grass63.bat -text
I get the output below:
Welcome to GRASS 6.3.0RC5 (2008)
GRASS homepage: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://grass.itc.it/">http://grass.itc.it/</a>
This version running thru: Windows Command Shell
When ready to quit enter: exit
Help is available with the command: g.manual -i
See the licence terms with: g.version -c
"cmd.exe" non è riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno,
un programma eseguibile o un file batch.
(the Italian error message would sound more or less like: "cmd.exe" is
not recognized as an internal or external command, an executable
program or a batch file.)
That's very strange. Is it possible you have accidentally modified your
PATH environment variable so that it no longer contains the path to
cmd.exe? What does
echo %PATH%
say? (Run straight after you get the error message above).
Also, in case its useful information, did you compile yourself or which
binary version did you use (download location?)
echo %PATH% says:<br>
which I have set in the grass63.bat file. When I type cmd.exe at the
command prompt or just put only 'cmd.exe' inside a cmd.bat file, the
Windows Shell starts fine. Even adding '%windir%\system32\cmd.exe' to
PATH environmental variable leaves the error message unchanged.<br>
grass-6.3.0RC5 21-Feb-2008 downloaded from
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://geog-pc40.ulb.ac.be/grass/wingrass/">http://geog-pc40.ulb.ac.be/grass/wingrass/</a><br>
I am using Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]. Changing the only reference
to cmd.exe in init.bat to %COMSPEC% eliminates the error message.
However, when I try to render a raster via Paul's command sequence, the
PNG driver works fine but it complains about unknown png file type and
no output.png file is written:<br>
<blockquote>GRASS 6.3.0RC5 (UTM32):C:\cygwin\home\luigi >d.rast
PNG: collecting to file: c:\output.png ,<br>
ERROR: write_image: unknown file type: png<br>
Thanks and regards,<br>