Hi list,<br><br>in order to use <strong>v.line.center</strong> properly I use<strong> v.category</strong> to adjust category assignment.<br><br>As a result I get:<br><br>GRASS 6.2.2 (admeurop):> v.category in=bound1 layer=2 out=boundary1 --o<br>
WARNING: The vector 'boundary1' already exists and will be overwritten.<br>116 new centroids placed in output map<br>Building topology ...<br>711 primitives registered<br>Building areas: 100%<br>119 areas built<br>
28 isles built<br>Attaching islands: 100%<br>Attaching centroids: 100%<br>Topology was built.<br>Number of nodes : 631<br>Number of primitives: 711<br>Number of points : 0<br>Number of lines : 0<br>Number of boundaries: 592<br>
Number of centroids : 119<br>Number of areas : 119<br>Number of isles : 28<br>Number of incorrect boundaries : 299<br>--<br><br>Then I use <strong>v.line.center</strong> to get the middle points of the boundaries (That's right?). Then I get the following result:<br>
<br>GRASS 6.2.2 (admeurop):/scratch/manuel/GISDATA/scripts > v.line.center in=boundary1 out=points1 --o<br>0 categories read from map<br>0 records selected from table<br>0 categories read from map exist in selection from table<br>
0 categories read from map don't exist in selection from table<br>0 records updated/inserted<br>0 update/insert errors<br>WARNING: The vector 'points1' already exists and will be overwritten.<br>Building topology ...<br>
0 primitives registered<br>0 areas built<br>0 isles built<br>Attaching islands:<br>Attaching centroids: Topology was built.<br>Number of nodes : 0<br>Number of primitives: 0<br>Number of points : 0<br>Number of lines : 0<br>
Number of boundaries: 0<br>Number of centroids : 0<br>Number of areas : 0<br>Number of isles : 0<br><br>Done.<br>--<br><br>So, I get nothing<br><br>Any can me help? I don't understand this result.<br><br>