<div dir="ltr">Hello all,<br><br>I've got over 14k rasters in several mapsets that I need to store modified date in a db for tracking purposes. I've got the storage and retrieval worked out, but I don't see an clean (easy) way to get the modified date via a python script.<br>
<br>So far I've come up with:<br> - parse it out of <a href="http://r.info">r.info</a><br> - get the modified date in the cellhd folder using os.stat<br><br>The problems with these approaches:<br><br><a href="http://r.info">r.info</a> - requires parsing, and I need to reformat the date in a way that's easily comparable. I'd prefer not to rely on parsing anyway. Would be nice to have "shell script" output option.<br>
<br>os.stat (python) - has a nice date integer format, but it requires that I have the full path to the cellhd folder. Database and location are easy via g.gisenv, but getting the mapset on an individual layer basis isn't completely straightforward. I can use use "g.mlist -m rast pattern=<filename>", but that essentially greps it out of a full list. <br>
<br>Is there a more efficient way of getting the modified date of a raster layer? If not, getting the full path instead?<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Jamie Adams<br></div>