<div dir="ltr">Sir<br><br>I am new in learning winGrass GIS63. Now I have solved my location related problem in <br>v.in.ogr.<br>I am learning from site <br><a href="http://www.ing.unitn.it/%7Egrass/docs/tutorial_62_en/" target="_blank">http://www.ing.unitn.it/~grass/docs/tutorial_62_en/</a><br>
In learning V.in.ogr session it has provided data about spearfish_contour map which location <br><br>is<br><u><a href="http://www.ing.unitn.it/%7Egrass/docs/tutorial_62_en/htdocs/esercitazione/dtm/dati/spearfish_c" target="_blank">http://www.ing.unitn.it/~grass/docs/tutorial_62_en/htdocs/esercitazione/dtm/dati/spearfish_c</a>ontours.tar.gz<br>
</u>I have downloaded it and try to learn. But I think this shp file is corrupted .That's why I <br><br>was in location related problem. When i have located another shape file Location related <br><br>errors are now not shown.But there are always another type pf error in output file GIS.m as<br>
<br><br><b>Over-riding projection check<br><br>Layer: world_adm0<br>DBMI-DBF driver error:<br>SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting '(' processing '.'<br>in statement:<br>create table as.mytesrt (cat integer, NAME varchar ( 40 ), GMI_CNTRY varchar ( 3 ), REGION <br>
<br>varchar ( 25 ))<br>Error in db_execute_immediate()<br><br><br>Cannot create table: create table as.mytesrt (cat integer, NAME varchar ( 40 ), GMI_CNTRY <br><br>varchar ( 3 ), REGION varchar ( 25 ))</b>
<br><br>I wonder what does it mean.<br>
<br>Sincerely <br>Md. Zahid Parvez<br></div>