<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br><br>I am having trouble importing ECW files into grass6.3<br><br>I compiled gdal 1.5.2 with ECW support (built ECW 3.3 files).<br><br>$gdalinfo --version<br>GDAL 1.5.2, released 2008/05/09<br><br>When i do --formats it lists .ers and .ecw. However when i try and import either of the file types i get the following error<br>
<br><i>not recognised as a supported file format</i><br><br>I already had grass installed when i built gdal <a href="http://1.5.2.">1.5.2.</a> I built it with grass 5.7+ support. After i checked out the latest svn 6.3 and reinstalled grass with gdal support<br>
<i>--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal_config</i><br>(still not sure what should be built with what support...)<br><br>Can anyone give me some ideas as to why i cannot import .ecw or .ers files??<br><br>Thank you for your help,<br>