when i use r.proj to reproject it from lat-long location to albers equal area projection. it is not reponding. After one hour the output is same on screen.<br><br>#i entered the following command:<br>r.proj input=ras_1 location=ll_rast mapset=root dbase=/root/GRASSDATA output=ra_map2 method=nearest <br>
<br>#when executed i receive message on screen as :<br><br>Input Projection Parameters: +proj=longlat +a=6377301.243 +rf=300.8017 +no_defs<br>Input Unit Factor: 1<br><br>Output Projection Parameters: +proj=aea +lat_0=0.0000000000 +lat_1=13.0000000000 +lat_2=43.0000000000 +lon_0=82.0000000000 +x_0=0.0000000000 +y_0=0.0000000000 +a=6377301.243 +rf=300.8017 +no_defs<br>
Output Unit Factor: 1<br><br>#output of my g.region of albers equal area is as follows:<br><br>projection: 99 (Albers Equal Area)<br>zone: 0<br>datum: WGS84<br>ellipsoid: evrst56<br>north: 4319524.94<br>south: 838278.56<br>
west: -1700818.5<br>east: 1371967.17<br>nsres: 0.1<br>ewres: 0.1<br>rows: 34812464<br>cols: 30727857<br>cells: 1069712415609648<br><br><br><br>