I have a problem that I not sure how to correctly address. Basically I have vector map and I <br>find some shortest paths on it using v.net.path. I basically want to keep track of which lines have<br>been using in the shortests paths and how many times. So I suppose I need to add a column<br>
to original map called traversed, which starts at zero, and is incremented by one every time<br>that line is used in a shortest path.<br><br>So I have a vector map output from v.net.path, which contains a single attribute, and have option of<br>
the vector map being a single line, or the lines which were in original map. Is there a way to match the lines in the original map with the lines in the shortest path, and update the traversed attribute for that row in the original map? Would I have to add traversed column to shortest path map, get value from original somehow, increment, and then merge vector maps?<br>
<br>Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.<br><br>