<div>Dear all,<br> <br>I have several troubles with GRASS and my Windows XP64bits.<br>First I tryed to install the OSGeo4W version, and compiled grass 64R4 using MSYS.<br>But I only can run on text mode, not with -gui or -wx, because it get errors.<br>
<br>So I tryed to install the StandAlone binaries, and still get error. For example, <br>with -wx option I get a python.exe error "The ordinal 2821 could not be located<br>in the dynamic link library LIBEAY32.dll". But if I am under 64b, why ..32.dll?<br>
After I get another error "Execution failed `g.proj.exe -p`" and the grass python crash.<br> <br>Still for StandAlone binaries, using -gui option, when I choose my Mapset (Spearfish!) <br>I get an Error message "setting region (problem with g.region?): child process exited abnormally";<br>
after another error "g.proj or projection error: child process exited abnormally". When<br>i press ENTER I get another error (please, see figure attached), and<br>after a new ENTER grass crash.<br> <br>Any help are welcome</div>
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