Good morning list,<br><br>I'm battling with a couple of GRASS-related issues<br><br>[GRASS 6.4 windows XP -- accessed mostly via QGis but here I'll be using the CLI]<br>[not sure which sub-version of GRASS, I believe the latest one installed two days ago from OSGeo "package manager"]<br>
<br>In the first problem, I seem to be unable to connect to a postgreSQL database :<br><br>> db.connect driver=pg database="host=localhost, dbname=TheDB, port=5432", schema=public<br><br>%% Yes, this DB does exist on my system; as I speak both OOo and QGis are connected to it and happily read from it.<br>
<br>> db.login user=postgres pass=XXXX<br><br>GRASS_INFO_MESSAGE(4204,,2): The password was stored in file<br><br>%% Ok, so far so good.<br><br>> db.connect -p<br>driver:pg<br>database:host=localhost, dbname=The DB, port=5432,<br>
schema:public<br>group:<br><br>%% Looks all right to me<br><br>>db.tables -p<br>DBMI-Postgres driver error:<br>Cannot connect to Postgres: fe_sendauth: no password supplied<br><br>%% Uh ???<br><br><br><div>Thanks for your help !<br>