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<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; margin-top: 0pt;">Raffaele Morelli wrote:<br>
type="cite">Hi you all,<br>
how can I transform a dxf (imported with v.in.dxf) layer in utm32
coordinates system? I am currently doing some trials with v.transform
with no success.<br>
Is the dxf in some coordinate system? <br>
If yes, then make a location based on that CRS, import the dxf into
that location, then v.proj inot the UTM location.<br>
If not, then make an X-Y based location, import the dxf there, then
again v.proj into your UTM location.<br>
type="cite">Arranging xshit and yshift leads me near the desired
result but there's still a rotation problem I can't solve (it seems to
me at least)<br>
Any hints?<br>
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