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> The wxPython GUI has a bug: when UTM is specified as the projection, we<br>> cannot change the zone from the default 30...<br><br>Today a have seen this bug in wx, it looks like the zone box is hidden.<br>You may create a custom proj.4 parameters to bypass this problem<br><br>Look at this site: http://spatialreference.org/<br><br>It has all the parameters ready for use.<br><br><br>Pablo Torres Carreira
<br><br><br><br>> Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 14:48:41 -0800<br>> From: rshepard@appl-ecosys.com<br>> To: grass-users@lists.osgeo.org<br>> Subject: RE: [GRASS-user] Reprojecting Vector Map<br>> CC: <br>> <br>> On Tue, 24 Nov 2009, Pablo Carreira wrote:<br>> <br>> > Assumptions:<br>> > -Very well defined LOCATION parameters is the foundation to perfectly combine maps of different sources.<br>> > -The experience tells me that some data are even in the correct reference system, but sometimes the "info" that comes with it sometimes not.<br>> > -Each coutry has it's adequated reference system.<br>> > -GIS and GPS comes with a lot of reference systems, but they follow an international standard.<br>> > -Those standards sometimes differ a little from the "real parameters".<br>> <br>> Pablo,<br>> <br>> Thanks for your contributions. I think that I have this correctly handled<br>> now.<br>> <br>> My raster (DEM) layer covers the northwest portion of the state, the<br>> hydrologic unit boundaries (level 6) and dams are statewide. These three are<br>> lcc projection. Soils and streets are for a specific county. The former is<br>> UTM Zone 10, the latter lat/long.<br>> <br>> The soils data are in .e00 format, but without the projection/datum<br>> information in the header.<br>> <br>> The wxPython GUI has a bug: when UTM is specified as the projection, we<br>> cannot change the zone from the default 30. The Tcl/Tk GUI didn't ask me to<br>> specify a projection. I commented out most lines in ~/.grassrc6 and worked<br>> in the original, ugly, user-unfriendly VT100 interface. With numerous errors<br>> and use of the arrow keys I was able to enter all relevant information<br>> except for the e-w and n-s resolutions. The metadata file specifies those as<br>> 0 but GRASS64svn won't take that value. I had to use 1 instead. Shrug.<br>> <br>> Once I had the soils/PERMANENT location defined I exited grass, restored<br>> the rc file, and restarted it. Using the wxPython UI I defined the mapset<br>> and imported the mapping unit areas, line features, and point features.<br>> <br>> Then I created a new location and defined it as LCC. From within that new<br>> location I ran v.proj and converted the three soils layers. 'g.region -p'<br>> appears to display correct coordinates.<br>> <br>> Now I need to re-do the streets and see if I can get that layer<br>> reprojected from LL to LCC. So far it's fighting me and winning.<br>> <br>> Rich<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> grass-user mailing list<br>> grass-user@lists.osgeo.org<br>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-user<br> <br /><hr />Chegou o Windows 7: Incrivelmente simples! <a href='http://www.microsoft.com/brasil/windows7/default.html?WT.mc_id=1539' target='_new'>Clique e conheƧa.</a></body>