<font size="3">Dear listed memebers:,</font>
<br><font size="3"> I'm currently organizing
a introductory GRASS' course, to be carried out on Mexico City; due to
this I'm looking for collaborators. About the course I would like to tell
you the following:</font>
<p><font size="3">-The course will be of an introductory nature, with an
approximate 20 hours length. </font>
</p><p><font size="3">-The agenda, as well as the material for the instruction,
will be developed on group collaboration.</font>
</p><p><font size="3">-The tentative space for the introduction course will take
place on UNAM's "Palacio de Minería de la Facultad de Ingeniería".</font>
</p><p><font size="3">-Fees will be dealt personally with the applicant. </font>
</p><p><font size="3"> For those interested,
please reply this email, or get in touch with me at the following phone
numbers: </font><font><font size="3">(01 55) </font></font><font size="3">50 19 15 52 y </font><font><font size="3">(01 55) </font></font><font size="3">53 42 59 20.</font>
</p><p><font size="3">Regards.</font>
</p><p><font size="3">Attentively</font>
</p><p><font size="3">Eng. Ulises Martín Ibarra Vidales</font>
</p><p><font size="3">Associated CEO<div><br>
Geomática de México<br>
Tel. (01 55) 50 19 15 52 <br>
Fax (01 55) 53 42 59 20</div></font><font color="blue" size="3"><u><br>
</u></font><a href="http://www.geomaticademexico.com/" target="_blank"><font color="blue" size="3"><b><u>www.geomaticademexico.com</u></b></font></a>