Hi:<br>When I run grass in command line model, the r.fillnulls can not be completed, I post the input and output in the terminal , I hope some one can check it :<br>----------------------------<br>GRASS 6.4.0RC5 (spearfish60):~/grass/GrassDataBase > g.gisenv<br>
GISDBASE=/home/kk/grass/GrassDataBase<br>LOCATION_NAME=spearfish60<br>MAPSET=PERMANENT<br>GRASS_GUI=text<br>MONITOR=cairo7<br><br>GRASS 6.4.0RC5 (spearfish60):~/grass/GrassDataBase > r.in.gdal input=/home/kk/grass/data/4404.tif output=aa location=al<br>
Location <al> created<br> 100%<br>r.in.gdal complete. Raster map <aa> created.<br><br>GRASS 6.4.0RC5 (spearfish60):~/grass/GrassDataBase > g.mapset location=al mapset=PERMANENT<br>Erasing monitors...<br>Cleaning up temporary files...<br>
WARNING: Your shell continues to use the history for the old mapset<br>You can switch the history by commands:<br>history -w; history -r<br>/home/kk/grass/GrassDataBase/al/PERMANENT/.bash_history;<br>HISTFILE=/home/kk/grass/GrassDataBase/al/PERMANENT/.bash_history<br>
<br>GRASS 6.4.0RC5 (spearfish60):~/grass/GrassDataBase > g.gisenv<br>GISDBASE=/home/kk/grass/GrassDataBase<br>LOCATION_NAME=al<br>MAPSET=PERMANENT<br>GRASS_GUI=text<br>MONITOR=cairo7<br><br>GRASS 6.4.0RC5 (spearfish60):~/grass/GrassDataBase > r.null map=aa setnull=-1.267e+30--1.268e+30<br>
100%<br><br>GRASS 6.4.0RC5 (spearfish60):~/grass/GrassDataBase > r.fillnulls input=aa output=abc tension=40 smooth=0.1<br>Locating and isolating NULL areas...<br> 100%<br>Reading input raster map <r_fillnulls_10653@PERMANENT>...<br>
100%<br>Finding buffer zones...<br> 100%<br>Writing output raster map <r_fillnulls_10653.buf>...<br> 100%<br> 100%<br>Creating interpolation points...<br>WARNING: Default driver / database set to:<br> driver: dbf<br>
database: $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/<br>Extracting points...<br> 100%<br>Building topology for vector map <vecttmp_fillnulls_10653>...<br>Registering primitives...<br>704828 primitives registered<br>
704828 vertices registered<br>Building areas...<br> 100%<br>0 areas built<br>0 isles built<br>Attaching islands...<br>Attaching centroids...<br> 100%<br>Number of nodes: 704828<br>Number of primitives: 704828<br>Number of points: 704828<br>
Number of lines: 0<br>Number of boundaries: 0<br>Number of centroids: 0<br>Number of areas: 0<br>Number of isles: 0<br>r.to.vect complete.<br>Interpolating 704828 points<br>Note: The following warnings may be ignored.<br>
Removing raster <MASK><br>Using segmentation for interpolation...<br>Percent complete:<br>Loading data from attribute table ...<br>Reading lines from vector map ...<br>Reading nodes from vector map ...<br> 100%<br> 100%<br>
WARNING: strip exists with insufficient data<br><br><br>The number of points from vector map is 704828<br>The number of points outside of 2D/3D region 0<br>The number of points being used is 704828<br>Processing all selected output files<br>
will require 4874896 bytes of disk space for temp files<br>Percent complete:<br> 76%<br>WARNING: taking too long to find points for interpolation--please change<br>............ the warnnings .........<br> 78%<br>WARNING: taking too long to find points for interpolation--please change<br>
WARNING: taking too long to find points for interpolation--please change<br> 80%<br>................ the warnnings ..............<br> 94%<br>Killed<br>Note: Above warnings may be ignored.<br>Patching fill data into NULL areas...<br>
WARNING: Raster map <r_fillnulls_10653_filled> not found<br>ERROR: One or more input raster maps not found<br>Removing raster <r_fillnulls_10653><br>Removing raster <r_fillnulls_10653.buf><br>Removing raster <r_fillnulls_10653_filled><br>
WARNING: Raster map <r_fillnulls_10653_filled> not found<br>WARNING: <r_fillnulls_10653_filled> nothing removed<br>Removing vector <vecttmp_fillnulls_10653><br>Filled raster map is: abc<br>ERROR: Raster map <abc> not found in current mapset<br>
Done.<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>It seems that the r.fillnulls does not work, and when I enter the location al and mapset PERMANENT , there is just the rast map aa, not abc. I woder why?<br>