Hello. I'm attempting to use v.net.path for the first time on a non-tutorial data set (I've already worked through Neteler and Mitasova's "hospitals" example from <i>Open Source GIS</i> 3rd ed.) I expect that my confusion and questions arise from a relatively poor knowledge of the data structure of the GRASS system. I have two questions:<br>
<br>1. Can anyone tell me why GRASS would successfully (and repeatedly) import a polygon shapefile (and associated dbf) into my PERMANENT mapset, but would a) fail to be able to copy that dbf (using g.copy) or b) create a dbf for a derived file (say from <a href="http://v.net" target="_blank">v.net</a>) in a new mapset in the same LOCATION? The error is as follows: <br>
<br>SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined,<br>
expecting '(' processing '.'<br>in statement:<br>create table dbf.Dated<br><br>2. Is it possible to create a vector network (<a href="http://v.net">v.net</a>) in the mapset PERMANENT if the line layer is held in the location $GISDBASE/$LOCATION$/$MAPSET and the points layer is held in the PERMANENT mapset? This is the only means that I've found to get around the problems identified in question 1.<br>
<br>I have a number of other questions rising from a failed attempt run this command. If anyone would be interested in providing some longer-term support, please let me know. <br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Patrick Dolan<br>Department of Anthropology<br>
Washington State University<br>