Hi<br>How do you remove null cells, I guess that is what's causing the problem.<br><br>r.to.vect complete.<br>GRASS 6.4.0svn (SRTMDEM):~ > r.univar rainfall 100%<br>total null and non-null cells: 12967201<br>total null cells: 7202<br>
<br>Of the non-null cells:<br>----------------------<br>n: 12959999<br>minimum: 0<br>maximum: 36<br>range: 36<br>mean: 4.99965<br>mean of absolute values: 4.99965<br>standard deviation: 9.57207<br>variance: 91.6246<br>variation coefficient: 191.455 %<br>
sum: 64795464<br><br>GRASS 6.4.0svn (SRTMDEM):~ > v.rast.stats vect=catchments rast=rainfall colprefix=precip<br>Processing data (16 categories)...<br>Updating the database ...<br>DBMI-DBF driver error:<br>SQL parser error: syntax error processing 'NULL'<br>
in statement:<br>UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE cat=10728<br>Error in db_execute_immediate()<br><br>ERROR: Error while executing: 'UPDATE catchments SET precip_cf_=-NULL WHERE<br> cat=10728'<br>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Kind Regards<br>TS Gumede<br>CSIR, Meraka Institute<br>072 258 1650<br><br>