I'm also new to GRASS and i first would thank all the community for the doc and help i have found on the web.<br>
I'm having the same bug as<a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/957" target="_blank">#957</a> (<a href="http://wald.intevation.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=335&group_id=21&atid=204" target="_blank">#335</a> on old tracker). Do you have any idea if it will be fixed soon?<br>
If it can help, i'm working on Windows7 64bits. I can reproduce the bug either on 6.4.0 or 6.4.1 .<br>
I've run these commands before the bug has happened (v.voronoi on points extracted from a buffer boundary):<br>
-v.buffer input=clc output=buffer type=boundary,area distance=500<br>
-v.to.points -v -i input=buffer output=point_buffer type=boundary dmax=20<br>
-v.voronoi -l input=point_buffer output=line_voronoi<br>
If i set v.to.points with dmax=40, v.voronoi works fine on 33700 points.
With dmax=20, v.voronoi bugs on 62000 points (cf. attachment)<br>
This example has been tested on urban areas from Corine Land Cover.<br>
same bug happens on urban areas from Open Street Map on a smaller
location, except that it happens on 1650 points with dmax=20.<br>
It still works fine with dmax=40 (1500 points).<br>
I have also tested v.random n=150000 like in #335, v.voronoi works fine.<br>
Thanks in advance for your help! :)<br>
<font color="#888888"><br><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Vincent</span></font>