<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Hi,<br><br></div>I've got a vector network (river network) and I want to place points<br></div>along that network. The points should be placed every 250 m starting<br>from the outlet. Any network junctions should be ignored so that every<br></div>point is 250 apart from the next upstream and downstream point.<br><br></div>With the tool v.segment only the single parts of the polyline (lines between<br>nodes) are splitted based on the distance parameter. So v.segment ignores<br></div><div>the network. Maybe v.net.iso can be of use in this case, but here I am missing<br>the option to create points in given distance classes from a starting point.<br><br><br></div><div>Is there any specific GRASS tool or procedure for such tasks?<br></div><div>Any suggestions?<br><br></div><div>Best regards,<br>Johannes<br></div></div>