<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Hi List,<br><br></div>I'll need to perform some network analysis and right now I'm trying to see if my roads map is all good. I know that there are some clearly isolated areas on my roads network but I'd like to identify and fix the less obvious ones.<br><br></div>Here is what I did:<br>1) Import road lines (v.in.ogr)<br></div><div>2) Clean the topology with snap tool, thresh=0.0001 (it's a latlong location)<br></div><div>2) Create network (<a href="http://v.net">v.net</a> using the nodes option --not sure if that was the correct option)<br>3) Ran v.net.components to find the weakly connected components, not setting any cost columns<br>4) Color roads lines according to the component number<br></div><div><br></div><div>By doing that I could spot the lines that were clearly disconnected (net_components_unlink.png).<br></div><div>But I also found some lines that where disconnected even thou there are nodes (red squares) linking them (apparently) -Â net_components_pseudo_link.png<br><br></div><div>Should I increase my snapping threshold?<br></div><div>How can I see if my nodes are endnodes or located between two lines?<br><br></div><div>Thanks<br>Daniel<br></div></div>