<div dir="ltr">the vector is visible in 3d as per attached screen shot. could this be a problem due to computer instead of Grass. there may be too many data points to show?</div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr">Le dim. 10 juin 2018 à  15:46, Francois Chartier <<a href="mailto:fra.chartier@gmail.com">fra.chartier@gmail.com</a>> a écrit :<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"><div dir="ltr"> I have pasted below the colors files for the 3d raster. the screen capture shows that the data is there as i am showing the wireframe around the data. the r3.color is set to bgyr. therefore, i do not see how come the interpolated data does not show up in the display.<div><br></div><div><div>r3.colors map=BHALL_May24v2@Toronto color=bgyr                  </div><div>Color table for raster3d map <BHALL_May24v2@Toronto> set to 'bgyr'</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>color table - the data is associated with a color as per below.</div><div><div>% -8.9909944534301758 33.892620086669922</div><div>-8.9909944534301758:0:191:191 -0.41427154541015626:0:255:0</div><div>-0.41427154541015626:0:255:0 8.1624513626098629:255:255:0</div><div>16.739174270629881:255:127:0 25.315897178649902:191:127:63</div><div>25.315897178649902:191:127:63 33.892620086669922:200</div><div>8.1624513626098629:255:255:0 16.739174270629881:255:127:0</div></div><div><br></div><div>Metadata of 3d raster. - same range of data as color table.</div><div><div>ype of Map: raster_3d      Number of Categories: 0        |</div><div> |  Data Type:  FCELL                           |</div><div> |  Rows:     90                             |</div><div> |  Columns:   85                             |</div><div> |  Depths:    307                            |</div><div> |  Total Cells: 2348550                          |</div><div> |  Total size:      3180868 Bytes                   |</div><div> |  Number of tiles:   336                        |</div><div> |  Mean tile size:    9466 Bytes                     |</div><div> |  Tile size in memory: 30420 Bytes                    |</div><div> |  Number of tiles in x, y and z:  6, 7, 8                |</div><div> |  Dimension of a tile in x, y, z:  15, 13, 39               |</div><div> |                                      |</div><div> |    Projection: UTM (zone 17)                      |</div><div> |      N:  4870795  S:  4825715  Res: 500.88888889       |</div><div> |      E:   651669  W:   609204  Res: 499.58823529       |</div><div> |      T:    352  B:     45  Res:   1           |</div><div> |  Range of data:  min = -8.99099445 max = 33.89262009           |</div><div> |                                      |</div><div> |  Data Source:                               |</div><div> |                                      |</div><div> |                                      |</div><div> |                                      |</div><div> |  Data Description:                            |</div><div> |  generated by v.vol.rst                         |</div><div> |                                      |</div><div> |  Comments:                                |</div><div> |  v.vol.rst input="BHMat1All_May12@Toronto" wcolumn="cat" tension=40. \  |</div><div> |  smooth=0.1 segmax=50 npmin=200 npmax=700 dmin=2 wscale=1.0 zscale=1.\  |</div><div> |  0 elevation="BHALL_May24v2"      </div></div><div><br></div><div><br></div></div></div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr">Le sam. 2 juin 2018 à  15:37, Helmut Kudrnovsky <<a href="mailto:hellik@web.de" target="_blank">hellik@web.de</a>> a écrit :<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">>Unfortunately in the Display window nothing shows up, whether in 2D or in 3D<br>
view. I do not know what i >am doing incorrectly.<br>
see <a href="https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3571" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3571</a><br>
please add your findings there.<br>
best regards<br>
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