[GRASSweb-list]can't unsubscribe

Muench, Roland Roland.Muench at PLMBAY.PWCNT.NT.GOV.AU
Sun Aug 31 19:53:07 EDT 2003

Dear Madam, Sir

my current email address is Roland.Muench at PLMBAY.PWCNT.NT.GOV.AU and was
previously roland.muench at nt.gov.au as was subscribed to grasslist.

I still receive all mail under roland.muench at nt.gov.au

When I try to unsubscribe I get response below. Can you please remove me
manually from the list.


Roland.Muench at PLMBAY.PWCNT.NT.GOV.AU: You are not subscribed to list
GRASSLIST at baylor.edu

In addition, the system found the following address(es) that resemble yours.
If one of these is you, please resend your message from that one:

roland.muench at nt.gov.au 

If you wish to contact a person, please send mail to
GRASSLIST-request at baylor.edu.
To get general help on Listproc, please send the command:


in the body of the message to listproc at baylor.edu.
PS: Any subsequent requests you might have submitted in the same message
have been ignored.

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