[GRASSweb-list]markus: web/grass5/binary/mac_os_x README.html,1.9,1.10

grass at intevation.de grass at intevation.de
Wed May 7 08:18:27 EDT 2003

Author: markus

Update of /grassrepository/web/grass5/binary/mac_os_x
In directory doto:/tmp/cvs-serv31407

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Jeshua Lacock: updated according to 5.0.2

Index: README.html
RCS file: /grassrepository/web/grass5/binary/mac_os_x/README.html,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -d -r1.9 -r1.10
--- README.html	13 Dec 2002 10:03:14 -0000	1.9
+++ README.html	7 May 2003 12:18:24 -0000	1.10
@@ -17,26 +17,28 @@
 [<a href="#FAQ">NEW FAQ below!</a>]
 These binaries have been ported, compiled and contributed by Jeshua Lacock, the 
-Owner of <a href="http://openosx.com/">OpenOSX</a>. The fastest and easiest way to install a complete
-installation of GRASS on Mac OS X is accomplished with OpenOSX's <a href="http://openosx.com/grass/">GRASS
-5.0.0 Package,</a> which will eliminate all the instructions and downloads outlined on this page. All of the
-libraries (Xfree, Tcl/TK, Mesa, gdal, etc) have been compiled with gcc 3.1 for at least
-a 20% gain in performance over previous versions (which used gcc 2.95).
+Owner of <a href="http://OpenOSX.com/">OpenOSX</a>. The fastest and easiest way to install a complete installation
+of GRASS on Mac OS X is accomplished with OpenOSX's <a href="http://OpenOSX.com/grass/">GRASS 5.0.2 Product</a>, which
+will eliminate ALL the instructions and downloads outlined on this page. All of
+the libraries (Xfree, Tcl/TK, Mesa, gdal, etc) have been compiled with gcc 3.1.
-Note that <em>in theory</em>, these binaries should <em>only</em> work on Mac OS 10.2.1 or later systems.
-<em>All</em> required and optional libraries <em>must</em> be built on Mac OS 10.2.1 or (perhaps) later.
+Note that <em>in theory</em>, these binaries should <em>only</em> work on Mac OS 10.2.1 or
+later systems. <em>All</em> required and optional libraries <em>must</em> be built on/or
+for Mac OS 10.2.1 or (perhaps) later.
 <hr width="100%">
 Requirements for graphical user interface (GUI):
 a) X-Windows:
-There are many different ways to install X-Windows. One option is the package from
-OS X GNU, also listed on <a href="http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/unix_open_source/xfree86.html">Apple's Mac OS X downloads page</a>.
-Another option is <a href="http://fink.sourceforge.net">fink</a>, which can also be used to install the optional libraries (see below).
+There are many different ways to install X-Windows. We strongly recommend Apple's X11
+which is Quartz-based, offering hardware-accelerated 2D and 3D graphics. Apple's X11
+application is based on XFree 4.2.1 and is available at: <a href="http://www.apple.com/macosx/x11/">apple.com/macosx/x11/</a>
+Another option is the package from OS X GNU, also listed on <a href="http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/unix_open_source/xfree86.html">Apple's Mac OS X downloads page</a>.
-<a href="http://oroborosx.sourceforge.net/">OroborOSX</a> is a modified X-Window manager that has been modified for native Mac
-OS X like features. It requires an installation of X-Free. The site also lists more detailed
-infomation about running X-Windows on mac OS X.  
+<a href="http://oroborosx.sourceforge.net/">OroborOSX</a> is a modified X-Window
+manager that has been modified for native Mac OS X like features. It requires an
+installation of X-Free. The site also lists more detailed infomation about running
+X-Windows on mac OS X. OroborOSX is not required if you decide to use Apple's X11.   
 b) tcltkgrass GUI:
@@ -44,31 +46,44 @@
 from there:
    % cd /
-   % gunzip  tcltk_macosX_lib.tar.gz
-   % tar -xvf tcltk_macosX_lib.tar.gz
-   % gunzip  tcltkbin_macosX.tar.gz
-   % tar -xvf tcltkbin_macosX.tar.gz
-Note that these files contain an older 8.0 version of tcl/tk, so this procedure is not recommended.
+   % bunzip2  fileName.tar.bz2
+   % tar -xvf fileName.tar
+Whenever possible, install the most recent version the complete tcl/tk library
+from <a href="http://tcl.sourceforge.net/">http://tcl.sourceforge.net/</a>.
+(It is available as convenient Mac OS X install package)
-Whenever possible, install the most recent version the complete tcl/tk library from <a href="http://tcl.sourceforge.net/">http://tcl.sourceforge.net/</a>.
-(It is a convenient Mac OS X install package)
+Not that these binaries have been compiled with Tcl/Tk 8.4.2 and has not been
+tested with previous versions. The patches provided here were developed by <a href="http://OpenOSX.com">OpenOSX</a>
+to enable native 8.4 Tcl/Tk Aqua support, native online help configured via the
+Mac OS X "Internet System Preference", along with bug fixes and additional
+native Mac OS X GUI enhancements.
-Not that these binaries have been compiled with Tcl/Tk 8.4 and has not been tested with
-previous versions.<hr width="100%">
+If you want to use the native Mac OS X Tcl/Tk interface with the fixes and
+enhancments developed by <a href="http://OpenOSX.com">OpenOSX</a>, then you
+will also need to download and apply the files 'OpenOSX-gui.tcl.diff',
+'OpenOSX-gis_set.tcl.diff', 'OpenOSX-tcltkgrass.diff', 'OpenOSX-Init.sh.diff'.
+Application of these patches also require downloading and installing to
+/usr/local the following <a href="http://OpenOSX.com">OpenOSX</a> developed
+applcations and scripts: 'appToFront','launchURL', 'lsWrap' and 'wishToFront'.
+All of these files (with source code) are available in the
+'OpenOSX-Additions-Grass-5.0.2.tar.bz2' file.
+<hr width="100%">
 GRASS 5 Installation:
 1. Get the GRASS binary distribution (currently 26MB):
-     grass5.0.0_powerpc-apple-darwin6.1_bin.tar.bz2  (all files)
+     grass5.0.2_powerpc-apple-darwin6.5_bin.tar.bz2  (all files)
 2. Also download the installation script:
-     grass5_powerpc-apple-darwin6.1_install.sh
+     grass5_powerpc-apple-darwin6.5_install.sh
 Then type the following for installation (use current package name!):
-    % sh grass5_powerpc-apple-darwin6.1_install.sh grass5.0.0_powerpc-apple-darwin6.1_bin.tar.bz2
+    % sh grass5_powerpc-apple-darwin6.5_install.sh grass5.0.2_powerpc-apple-darwin6.5_bin.tar.bz2
   This will create the necessary directories and
   files for you to run GRASS. The default install path is
@@ -77,28 +92,37 @@
   To install in a different directory, specify it in the
   command line:
-        % sh grass5_powerpc-apple-darwin6.1_install.sh grass5.0.0_powerpc-apple-darwin6.1_bin.tar.bz2 /opt/grass5
-You will likely need to add X11R6/bin to your search path and set your DISPLAY
-variable if you are using the Terminal application.
+        % sh grass5_powerpc-apple-darwin6.5_install.sh grass5.0.2_powerpc-apple-darwin6.5_bin.tar.bz2 /opt/grass5
-If you want to use the native Mac OS X Tcl/Tk interface you will also need to
-download and apply the file 'gui.tcl.MacOSX.TclTk.patch'.
+You will likely need to add X11R6/bin and perhaps /usr/local/bin to your search path
+and set your DISPLAY variable if you are using the Terminal application and or
+Apple's X11 application.
-If you want to use NVIZ, you will need to download and apply the
-file 'widgets.tcl.OpenOSX.patch'.
+Note: Depending on your system, you may need to set the GRASS_WISH and GRASS_TCLSH
+environment variables.
-How to apply a patch:
-    cp widgets.tcl.OpenOSX.patch /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/scripts/
-    cd /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/scripts/
-    patch -p1 &lt; widgets.tcl.OpenOSX.patch
+How to apply the OpenOSX patches:
-    cp gui.tcl.OpenOSX.TclTk.patch /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main/
+    cp OpenOSX-gui.tcl.diff /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main/
     cd /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main
-    patch -p1 &lt; gui.tcl.OpenOSX.TclTk.patch
+    patch -p1 &lt; OpenOSX-gui.tcl.diff
+    cp OpenOSX-gis_set.tcl.diff /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main/
+    cd /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main
+    patch -p1 &lt; OpenOSX-gis_set.tcl.diff
+    cp OpenOSX-tcltkgrass.diff /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main/
+    cd /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main
+    patch -p1 &lt; OpenOSX-tcltkgrass.diff
+    cp OpenOSX-Init.sh.diff /usr/local/grass5/etc/
+    cd /usr/local/grass5/etc
+    patch -p1 &lt; OpenOSX-Init.sh.diff
@@ -106,10 +130,14 @@
         % source /etc/csh.cshrc /etc/csh.login
 (Mac won't find the start script otherwise).
-Then start GRASS with
+Then start GRASS with:
         % grass5
+Or if you want to start GRASS with the GUI:
+        % grass5 -tcltk
 The user interface is started within GRASS:
         % tcltkgrass &amp;
@@ -352,4 +380,4 @@
 Updated $Date$
\ No newline at end of file

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