[GRASSweb-list]markus: web index.php,NONE,1.1 main_menu_search.inc,NONE,1.1 main_menu_side.inc,NONE,1.1 main_menu_top.inc,NONE,1.1 menu_search.inc,NONE,1.1 menu_top.inc,NONE,1.1 mirrors.inc,NONE,1.1 mirrors.php,NONE,1.1 searchgrass.inc,NONE,1.1 searchgrass
grass at intevation.de
grass at intevation.de
Sun Dec 19 11:53:58 EST 2004
Author: markus
Update of /grassrepository/web
In directory doto:/tmp/cvs-serv9334
Modified Files:
Added Files:
index.php main_menu_search.inc main_menu_side.inc
main_menu_top.inc menu_search.inc menu_top.inc mirrors.inc
mirrors.php searchgrass.inc searchgrass.php title.inc
Removed Files:
capabilities.html cdrom.html codemanagement.html
commercial.html data.html demo.html download.html
downloadform.html fhgis83ind.html fhgis83rep.html
firsttime.html general.html germanlist.html grass.mirrors.html
grass1to4history.html grass5_on_zaurus.html grass_addons.html
grass_releases.html grasscredits.html grasscvs.html
grasscvscommit.html grasscvstags.html grassdevel.html
grassgui.html grasshandheld.html grasshist.html
help-wanted.html i18n.html index.html links.html
modelintegration.html nvizlist.html related_projects.html
roadmap.html searchgrass.html sqlgrasslist.html support.html
survey.html usergroups.html vanwarren.html wingrass.html
Log Message:
changed to new PHP based structure
--- NEW FILE: index.php ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Official GRASS GIS Homepage - The World Leading Free Software GIS</title>
<DEFANGED_meta name="robots" content="index,follow">
<DEFANGED_meta name="description"
content="GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources
Analysis Support System) is an open source, free software
Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster, topological
vector, image processing, and visualization functionality">
<DEFANGED_meta name="keywords"
content="gis, GIS, GRASS, open source,
free software, Geographical Information System, raster, topology,
vector, image processing, visualization">
<DEFANGED_meta name="Author" content="GRASS Development Team">
<DEFANGED_meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
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<h1>Welcome to the GRASS GIS Homepage!</h1>
<font size="-1"><i>You are at the official GRASS site in Italy (or
<a href="mirrors.php">mirrors site</a>)<br>
This site is updated daily: LASTUPDATED</i> <!-- processed by cron/sed -->
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<a href="http://swpat.ffii.org/group/demo/index.en.html"><DEFANGED_IMG
src="images/no_epatents_liberty120_small.png" border="1"
alt="3D image/NVIZ tool" hspace="5"></a> <a href="grass57/index.html"><DEFANGED_IMG
src="images/grass51snapshot_small.jpg" border="1"
alt="GRASS 5.1.0alpha" hspace="5"></a> <a href="images/nviz22_big.jpg"><DEFANGED_IMG
src="images/nviz22.jpg" border="1" alt="NVIZ tool" hspace="5"></a>
<h4>Latest News!</h3>
<li>2 December 2004: <a href=grid3d/index.html>New volume visualization support</a> added to NVIZ (GRASS 5.7)
<li>5 November 2004: GRASS GIS 5.4.0 released:
- <a href="download/index.php#g54">Download source code and selected binaries</a>
<li>8 Nov 2004: New <a href="http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/twiki/bin/view">GRASS WIKI</a> site
<li>1 October 2004: <a href="devel/i18n.php">More GRASS i18N Internationalization efforts</a> (translators welcome)!
<li>20 August 2004: <a href="newsletter/index.php">GRASS Newsletter vol. 1 (August 2004)</a> published!
<li>17 June 2004: GRASS GIS 5.7.0 released: <a href=announces/announce_grass570.html>Announcement</a>
- <a href="download/index.php#g57">Download source code and selected binaries</a>
<h4>Upcoming Conferences/Short Courses:</h4>
<li><a href="http://www.geographie.uni-freiburg.de/ipg/personen/lechner_marco/grass/">1. GRASS-Anwendertreffen Südwest (GAV Germany), Freiburg, 3 Dec. 2004</a></li>
<li><a href=http://w3.uniroma1.it/geodgeom/homeGrass2005.html>6. Italian GRASS Users Meeting</a>
at University of Rome. 14-15 Aprile 2005 presso la Facolta' di Ingegneria
dell'Universita' "La Sapienza".</li>
<li><a href="http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/grass04/">Free and Open Source Software for Geoinformatics: GIS-GRASS User Conference 2004</a>
(Bangkok, Thailand, Sept 12-14, 2004). Read the <a href="http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/grass04/papers.php?first_letter=all">Proceedings</a></li>
<div align="right"> <i>(Submit related announcements
href="mailto:weblist at grass.itc.it?subject=Announcement%20for%20GRASS%20web%20site&body=Announcement%20for%20GRASS%20web%20site">here</a>)</i><br>
<a href="newsarchive.html">News Archive</a><br>
<a href="press.html">GRASS in the News</a><br>
</div> <!-- END MAIN PART -->
<div align="right">© 1999-2004 GRASS Development Team<br>
<a href="impressum.html">Imprint</a> |
<a href="mailto:weblist at grass.itc.it">Comments</a> about this page<br>
<i>Last change: $Date: 2004/12/19 16:53:56 $ </i><br>
<i>$Author: markus $</i></div>
--- NEW FILE: main_menu_search.inc ---
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<a href="intro/general.php">About GRASS</a>
<a href="download/index.php">Download</a>
<a href="http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/twiki/bin/view">GRASS WIKI</a> site
</table><!-- END SIDE MENU -->
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--- NEW FILE: main_menu_top.inc ---
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<td nowrap="nowrap" align="center">
<font size="-1"><a href="../gdp/index.php">Documents</a></font>
<td nowrap="nowrap" align="center">
<font size="-1"><a href="../community/index.php">Community</a></font>
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<font size="-1"><a href="../applications/index.php">Applications</a></font>
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</table><!-- END TOP MENU -->
</table> <!-- END TOP MENU STUFF -->
--- NEW FILE: mirrors.inc ---
<!-- MN -->
<!-- Australia AU local: jason*dstc.edu.au Jason-->
<!-- Australia PlanetMirror: Jason: support*planetmirror.com -->
<!-- Brazil: Prof. Fernando Ferreira fernando*vps.fmvz.usp.br -->
<!-- Canada: sunsite*sunsite.ualberta.ca -->
<!-- Canada GULUS: v.simon*ieee.org -->
<!-- Croatia: davor.skrlec*fer.hr Davor Skrlec -->
<!-- Denmark: Thomas Borg Salling tbs*navicon.dk -->
<!-- Finland: Juhana Nieminen juhana.nieminen*helsinki.fi-->
<!-- France: Laurent BESSON laurent*caribou.u-bourgogne.fr -->
<!-- Germany Hannover: Otto Dassau dassau*geog.uni-hannover.de -->
<!-- Germany Wuerzburg: Martin Wegmann wegmann*biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de-->
<!-- India: T.V. Ramachandra grass*ces.iisc.ernet.in -->
<!-- Italy: grass*unipr.it ; Aldo Clerici alcl01*ipruniv.cce.unipr.it -->
<!-- Japan: Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan*media.osaka-cu.ac.jp-->
<!-- Namibia: Laurent Evrard <laurent*polytechnic.edu.na-->
<!-- Poland: Pawel Netzel netzel*meteo.uni.wroc.pl-->
<!-- Poland: Lukasz Wojnowski admin*wodgik.malopolska.pl-->
<!-- Philippines: Noriel Christopher C. Tiglao noriel at up-ncts.org.ph-->
<!-- Romania: Romanian Grass Division grass*go.ro -->
<!-- Slovak Republic: Pavol Cvengros cvengros*gssr.sk-->
<!-- South Africa: webteam*rucus.ru.ac.za -->
<!-- South Korea: Lee, Chun-Seok stoney*cjcc.chinju.ac.kr, stoney*jinju.ac.kr-->
<!-- Spain: ?? mirror at es.sytes.net -->
<!-- Taiwan: Hsuing-Ming Liao veevee*gate.sinica.edu.tw-->
<!-- Thailand/NECTEC: monsak*hpcc.nectec.or.th Monsak Socharoentham-->
<!-- Turkey: ayvazm*be.itu.edu.tr,tari*itu.edu.tr Muzaffer Ayvaz-->
<!-- Uruguay: Fernando Pacheco <fpacheco*dinama.gub.uy -->
<!-- UK: Steven Whitehouse <steve*gw.chygwyn.com -->
<!-- US, Baylor: bruce_byars*baylor.edu-->
<!-- US, IBIBLIO.org: Sergiusz Pawlowicz ser*metalab.unc.edu and
Don Sizemore dls*metalab.unc.edu -->
<!-- US, gr-linux.net : Thrassivoulos Kalantzis Admin*GR-Linux.net -->
<!-- US, ip97.com: ip97 mirror administrator mirrors*ip97.com -->
<p><b>Official master site via HTTP/FTP</b>
<li><a href="http://grass.itc.it/index.html">Official master site in Italy</a> (HTTP)
<li><a href="ftp://grass.itc.it/pub/grass/">FTP site</a> (FTP)
<i>Tier-1 mirrors: These mirrors read daily from the master site and also act as rsync servers.
<br>Tier-2 mirrors: These mirrors read from the tier-1 mirrors (these sites may be 1-2
day(s) behind the master site)
<b>African mirrors HTTP:</b>
<li><a href="http://grass.ru.ac.za/index.html">South Africa</a> (Tier 2, Rhodes Univ.)
<li><a href="http://grass.polytechnic.edu.na">Namibia</a> (Tier 2, Polytechnic of Namibia)
<b>Asian mirrors HTTP:</b>
<li><a href="http://wgbis.ces.iisc.ernet.in/grass/index.html">India</a> (Tier 1, Indian Inst. of Science)</li>
<li><a href="http://wgrass.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/grassh/index.html">Japan</a> (Tier 2, Univ. of Osaka)
<li><a href="http://www.up-ncts.org.ph/grass">Philippines</a> (Tier 2, National Centre for Transportation Studies)
<li><a href="http://pinus.chinju.ac.kr/grass/index.html">South Korea</a> (Tier 2, Jinju Univ.)
<li><a href="http://www.hpcc.nectec.or.th/grass/index.html">Thailand</a> (Tier 2, NECTEC/HPCC)
<b>Asian mirrors FTP:</b>
<li><a href="ftp://wgrass.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/pub/grass/">Japan</a> (Tier 2, Univ. of Osaka)
<li><a href="ftp://pinus.chinju.ac.kr/pub/grass/">South Korea</a> (Tier 2, Jinju Univ.)
<b>Australian mirrors HTTP:</b>
<li><a href="http://planetmirror.com/pub/grass/index.html">Australia</a> (<b>Tier 1</b>, PlanetMirror)
<li><a href="http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/grass/index.html">Australia</a> (Tier 2, Aarnet, access in AU only)
<b>Australian mirrors FTP:</b>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/grass/">Australia</a> (<b>Tier 1</b>, PlanetMirror)
<li><a href="ftp://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/grass/">Australia</a> (Tier 2, Aarnet, access in AU only)
<b>European mirrors HTTP:</b>
<li><a href="http://www.geog.uni-hannover.de/grass/index.html">Germany</a> (<b>Tier 1</b>, Univ. of Hannover)
<li><a href="http://grass.zvne.fer.hr/index.html">Croatia</a> (Tier 2, FER)
<li><a href="http://grass.navicon.dk/index.html">Denmark</a> (Tier 2, Navicon)
<li><a href="http://ludique.u-bourgogne.fr/grass/index.html">France</a> (Tier 2, Univ. of Bourgogne)
<li><a href="http://www.geo.unipr.it/~grassmirror/index.html">Italy</a> (Tier 2, Univ. of Parma)
<li><a href="http://grass.meteo.uni.wroc.pl/index.html">Poland</a> (Tier 2, Wroclaw Univ.)
<li><a href="http://grass.wodgik.malopolska.pl">Poland</a> (Tier 2, Cracow)
<li><a href="http://grass.unibuc.ro/index.html">Romania</a> (Tier 2, Univ. of Bucharest)
<li><a href="http://www.grass.sk/index.html">Slovakia</a> (Tier 2, Prime Interactive Ltd.)
<li><a href="http://gps2.ins.itu.edu.tr/grass/">Turkey</a> (Tier 2, Istanbul Technical Univ.)
<li><a href="http://www.fieldinstruments.co.uk/grass/index.html">U.K.</a> (Tier 2, Fieldinstruments Ltd.)
<b>European mirrors FTP:</b>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de/pub/other/grass/">Germany</a> (Tier 2, Univ. of Würzburg)
<b>Northern American mirrors HTTP:</b>
<li><a href="http://grass.ibiblio.org/index.html">U.S.A.</a> (<b>Tier 1</b>, ibiblio.org)
<li><a href="http://grass.baylor.edu/index.html">U.S.A.</a> (Tier 2, Baylor University)
<li><a href="http://www.ip97.com/mirrors/grass">U.S.A.</a> (Tier 2, ip97.com)</li>
<li><a href="http://www.gr-linux.net/grass/">U.S.A.</a> (Tier 2, GR-Linux in Chicago, IL)</li>
<li><a href="http://gulus.USherbrooke.ca/pub/appl/grass/">Canada</a> (<b>Tier 1</b>, Groupe d'utilisateurs de Linux de l'Université de Sherbrooke)</li>
<b>Northern American mirrors FTP:</b>
<li><a href="ftp://www.ibiblio.org/pub/packages/gis/grass/">U.S.A.</a> (<b>Tier 1</b>, ibiblio.org)
<li><a href="ftp://sunsite.ualberta.ca/pub/Mirror/grass-web/index.html">Canada</a> (Tier 2, Univ. of Alberta)
<b>Southern American mirrors HTTP:</b>
<li><a href="http://vps.fmvz.usp.br/grass/index.html">Brazil</a> (Tier 2, Univ. of Sao Paulo)
<li><a href="http://www.dinama.gub.uy/grass/index.html">Uruguay</a> (Tier 2, Dinama)
<hr width="60%">
<p><b>Further GRASS Development related Sites</b>
<a href="http://skagit.meas.ncsu.edu/~helena/">GeoISEM at North Carolina State
<hr width=60%>
Become a GRASS mirror site!</h2>
Help support your favorite Free Software GIS and become a mirror. Due to the
high network traffic on our main site sometimes resulting in timed-out
connections we encourage you to mirror this site.
<p>Requirements: A GRASS mirror site requires around 650 MB space,
the space requirements may vary due to the changing presence of
precompiled binaries. If you would like to support the GRASS community,
do not hesitate to <a href="mailto:weblist at grass.itc.it">contact us</a>
and report the <b>running</b> mirror.
<P>How to set up a mirror site:
<br>The master site at ITC-irst (grass.itc.it) supports the <a
href="http://rsync.samba.org/">"rsync"</a> software protocol to synchronize
the mirrors automatically overnight. The idea of using "rsync" mirror
software is that only changed files are downloaded which minimizes the
network traffic. The master site provides "rsync" access only
to a few "tier 1" mirrors; you can then connect your mirror site
to these "tier 1" mirrors (as they also provide "rsync" capabilities).
<p>Mirror site setup in greater detail:
<li>Install the <a href="http://rsync.samba.org/">rsync</a> software.
<li>Check if you can connect - note the two '::' characters (this command
should display a welcome message):<br>
<li> <tt>rsync://grass.itc.it/grass</tt> (master site, restricted to tier 1 mirrors)
<li> <tt>rsync://ibiblio.org/grass/</tt> (tier 1 mirror, provides "rsync" for other mirrors)
<li> <tt>rsync://rsync.planetmirror.com/grass/</tt> (tier 1 mirror, provides "rsync" for other mirrors)
<li> <tt>rsync://hgeo02.geog.uni-hannover.de/grass/</tt> (tier 1 mirror, provides "rsync" for other mirrors)
<li> <tt>rsync://gulus.USherbrooke.ca/grass/</tt> (tier 1 mirror, provides "rsync" for other mirrors)
<li>Define a daily cron-job (in 'crontab') for rsync (example):<br>
<tt>/usr/bin/rsync -r --delete --times --links --bwlimit=200 ibiblio.org::grass /mirror/grass/</tt><br>
This will copy/update the GRASS site to your local directory /mirror/grass/
<li>Check if the synchronization works the next day(s).
<li>Announce the new mirror site for this mirror list to <a href="mailto:weblist at grass.itc.it">us</a>.
If you are interested to serve as tier-1 mirror (most welcome!),
please let us know.
Distribute GRASS!</h2>
If you are a software distributor (for example
packaging Linux distributions) you are welcome to add GRASS to your software
collection under terms of <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">GNU
General Public License (GPL)</a>. Please add the latest GRASS 5.4 or 5.7 versions
to avoid confusion. We would be glad to receive a note if you distribute
--- NEW FILE: mirrors.php ---
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>GRASS GIS mirror sites</title>
<DEFANGED_meta name="robots" content="index,follow">
<DEFANGED_meta name="description"
content="GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources
Analysis Support System) is an open source, free software
Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster, topological
vector, image processing, and visualization functionality">
<DEFANGED_meta name="keywords"
content="gis, GIS, GRASS, open source,
free software, Geographical Information System, raster, topology,
vector, image processing, visualization">
<DEFANGED_meta name="Author" content="GRASS Development Team">
<DEFANGED_meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
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<h1>GRASS GIS mirror sites</h1>
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<td valign="top">
<td valign="top">
<td valign="top">
// include("main_menu_side.inc");
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<h3>Software mirror sites</h3>
<!-- END MAIN PART -->
<div align="right">© 1999-2004 GRASS Development Team<br>
<a href="impressum.html">Imprint</a> |
<a href="mailto:weblist at grass.itc.it">Comments</a> about this page<br>
<i>Last change: $Date: 2004/12/19 16:53:56 $ </i><br>
<i>$Author: markus $</i></div>
--- NEW FILE: searchgrass.inc ---
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WWW Site Search: <a href=http://grass.itc.it>GRASS GIS site</a></H3>
<hr noshade size=4>
This search engine helps you to search the contents of
all the publicly available WWW documents and Mailing Lists at this site.<br>
Hier können Sie unseren Server nach Stichworten durchsuchen.
<i>You can optionally restrict your search to a forum:</i>
<form method="post" action="http://grass.itc.it/cgi-bin/htsearch">
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<option value="boolean">Boolean
Restrict to: <select name=restrict>
<option value="">don't restrict search
<option value="html_grass5/">GRASS 5.0/5.3 manuals
<option value="html57_user/">GRASS 5.7 manuals
<option value="pipermail/grass5/">GRASS Developers mailing list
<option value="pipermail/grassuser/">GRASS Users mailing list
<option value="pipermail/wingrass/">winGRASS mailing list
<option value="pipermail/statsgrass/">statsgrass mailing list
<option value="pipermail/nvizlist/">nviz mailing list
<option value="pipermail/sqlgrass/">sqlgrass mailing list
<option value="pipermail/grassgui/">grassgui mailing list
<option value="pipermail/grass-commit/">grass-commit mailing list
<option value="pipermail/weblist/">weblist mailing list
Format: <select name=format>
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<option value=builtin-short>Short
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content="GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources
Analysis Support System) is an open source, free software
Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster, topological
vector, image processing, and visualization functionality">
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content="gis, GIS, GRASS, open source,
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<h1>GRASS GIS search engine</h1>
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<h3>Software mirror sites</h3>
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<div align="right">© 1999-2004 GRASS Development Team<br>
<a href="impressum.html">Imprint</a> |
<a href="mailto:weblist at grass.itc.it">Comments</a> about this page<br>
<i>Last change: $Date: 2004/12/19 16:53:56 $ </i><br>
<i>$Author: markus $</i></div>
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<h2>GRASS: Introduction</h2>
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