[GRASSweb-list]scott: web index.html,1.78,1.79

grass at intevation.de grass at intevation.de
Wed Feb 25 08:15:43 EST 2004

Author: scott

Update of /grassrepository/web
In directory doto:/tmp/cvs-serv29982

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added Ottawa Open Source GIS conference link

Index: index.html
RCS file: /grassrepository/web/index.html,v
retrieving revision 1.78
retrieving revision 1.79
diff -u -d -r1.78 -r1.79
--- index.html	28 Jan 2004 15:24:45 -0000	1.78
+++ index.html	25 Feb 2004 13:15:40 -0000	1.79
@@ -2,294 +2,313 @@
   <title>Official GRASS GIS Homepage - The World Leading Free Software GIS</title>
   <DEFANGED_meta name="robots" content="index,follow">
   <DEFANGED_meta name="description"
  content="GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources
          Analysis Support System) is an open source, free software
          Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster, topological
          vector, image processing, and visualization functionality">
   <DEFANGED_meta name="keywords"
  content="gis, GIS, GRASS, open source, 
 	 free software, Geographical Information System, raster, topology,
          vector, image processing, visualization">
   <DEFANGED_meta name="Author" content="GRASS Development Team">
   <DEFANGED_meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
  content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
   <DEFANGED_link rel="stylesheet" href="sitestyle.css" type="text/css">
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 <table bgcolor="#ffffff" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"
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       <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
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-          <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-            <td nowrap="nowrap"> 	<DEFANGED_IMG
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+           <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
+             <td nowrap="nowrap"> 	<DEFANGED_IMG
  alt="GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)"
-     </td>
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             <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0"
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                   <h1>Welcome to the GRASS GIS Homepage!</h1>
-        <font size="-1"><i>You are at the official GRASS site in Italy (or 
-        <a href="grass.mirrors.html">mirrors site</a>)<br>
-         This site is updated daily: LASTUPDATED</i> <!-- processed by cron/sed --> 
-       </font>        </center>
-       </td>
-                </tr>
-       <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-                  <td nowrap="nowrap">         
+         <font size="-1"><i>You are at the official GRASS site in Italy (or
+         <a href="grass.mirrors.html">mirrors site</a>)<br>
+          This site is updated daily: LASTUPDATED</i> <!-- processed by cron/sed -->
+        </font>        </center>
+        </td>
+                 </tr>
+        <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
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                   <center> 	<a
  src="images/no_epatents_liberty120_small.png" border="1"
  alt="3D image/NVIZ tool" hspace="5">
-                  </a> 	<a href="grass51/index.html"><DEFANGED_IMG
+                   </a> 	<a href="grass51/index.html"><DEFANGED_IMG
  src="images/grass51snapshot_small.jpg" border="1"
  alt="GRASS 5.1.0alpha" hspace="5">
-                  </a> 	<a href="images/nviz22_big.jpg"><DEFANGED_IMG
+                   </a> 	<a href="images/nviz22_big.jpg"><DEFANGED_IMG
  src="images/nviz22.jpg" border="1" alt="NVIZ tool" hspace="5">
-                  </a>         </center>
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 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%">
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       <table class="leftmenu" bgcolor="#008000" cellspacing="0"
  cellpadding="0" border="0" width="150">
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-          <tr>
-            <td>     
+    <tbody>
+           <tr>
+             <td>                  
             <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0"
-     <tbody>
-                <tr bgcolor="#c5e2ca">
-                  <td nowrap="nowrap"> 	 	<b>What's GRASS?</b><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="general.html">About</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="firsttime.html">First Time User?</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="faq/index.html">FAQ</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="copyright.html">Copyright</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grasshist.html">History and Credits</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="links.html">Links &amp; Screenshots</a> 	
+      <tbody>
+                 <tr bgcolor="#c5e2ca">
+                   <td nowrap="nowrap"> 	 	<b>What's GRASS?</b><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="general.html">About</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="firsttime.html">First Time User?</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="faq/index.html">FAQ</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="copyright.html">Copyright</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grasshist.html">History and Credits</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="links.html">Links &amp; Screenshots</a> 	      
                   <p>  	<b>Downloads</b><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grass.mirrors.html">Mirrors</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="download.html">Software</a> | <a
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grass.mirrors.html">Mirrors</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="download.html">Software</a> | <a
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grass_addons.html">Add-Ons</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="data.html">Sample Data</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="demo.html">Demo CDROM</a><br>
- 	</p>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grass_addons.html">Add-Ons</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="data.html">Sample Data</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="demo.html">Demo CDROM</a><br>
+  	</p>
                   <p>  	<b>Features</b><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="capabilities.html">GRASS capabilities</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="modelintegration.html">Simulation Models</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="sqlgrasslist.html">SQL</a> | <a
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="capabilities.html">GRASS capabilities</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="modelintegration.html">Simulation Models</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="sqlgrasslist.html">SQL</a> | <a
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="nviz/index.html">NVIZ 3D</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grid3d/index.html">Grid3D voxels</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; Ports: <a href="wingrass.html">MS-Windows</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; Ports: <a href="grasshandheld.html">Handhelds</a><br>
- 	</p>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="nviz/index.html">NVIZ 3D</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grid3d/index.html">Grid3D voxels</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; Ports: <a href="wingrass.html">MS-Windows</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; Ports: <a href="grasshandheld.html">Handhelds</a><br>
+  	</p>
                   <p>  	<b>Support</b><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="support.html">Mailing Lists</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="gdp/index.html">Docs</a> | <a
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="support.html">Mailing Lists</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="gdp/index.html">Docs</a> | <a
-         &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="gdp/tutorials.html">Tutorials</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="commercial.html#support">Commercial support</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="commercial.html#sponsor">Funding GRASS</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="usergroups.html">National User Groups</a><br>
- 	</p>
+          &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="gdp/tutorials.html">Tutorials</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="commercial.html#support">Commercial support</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="commercial.html#sponsor">Funding GRASS</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="usergroups.html">National User Groups</a><br>
+  	</p>
                   <p>  	<b>Programming</b><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grassdevel.html">Programming</a> | <a
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grassdevel.html">Programming</a> | <a
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="bugtracking/bugreport.html">Bug</a> | <a
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="bugtracking/bugreport.html">Bug</a> | <a
  href="bugtracking/wish.html">Wish</a> reports<br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt; <a href="grass5/index.html">GRASS 5.0.x</a> <br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt; <a href="grass51/index.html">GRASS 5.7.x</a> [exp]<br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt; <a href="announces/4.3release.info.html">GRASS 4.3</a>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt; <a href="grass5/index.html">GRASS 5.0.x</a> <br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt; <a href="grass51/index.html">GRASS 5.7.x</a> [exp]<br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt; <a href="announces/4.3release.info.html">GRASS 4.3</a> 
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt; <a href="grassgui.html">GUIs</a><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grassdevel.html#submission">Code submission</a><br>
- 	</p>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt; <a href="grassgui.html">GUIs</a><br>
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="grassdevel.html#submission">Code submission</a><br>
+  	</p>
                   <p> 	 	<b>Projects</b><br>
- 	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="related_projects.html">Libraries</a><br>
-         &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="related_projects.html#other">Other projects</a> 
-	</p>
-                  <p>  	<font size="-1">  	
+  	&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="related_projects.html">Libraries</a><br>
+          &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="related_projects.html#other">Other projects</a>
+ 	</p>
+                  <p>  	<font size="-1">  	                   
                   <form method="post"
  action="http://grass.itc.it/cgi-bin/htsearch"> 	<input type="hidden"
  name="config" value="htdig"> 	<input type="hidden" name="restrict"
  value="grass"> 	<input type="hidden" name="exclude" value=""> 	<input
  type="text" size="8" name="words" value=""> 	<input type="submit"
- 	<b><a href="searchgrass.html">Advanced search</a></b> 	</form>
- 	</font>      </p>
-                  </td>
-                </tr>
-              </tbody>
+  	<b><a href="searchgrass.html">Advanced search</a></b> 	</form>
+  	</font>      </p>
+                   </td>
+                 </tr>
+              </tbody>             
-   </td>
-          </tr>
-        </tbody>
+    </td>
+           </tr>
+        </tbody>       
- <!-- END LEFT MENU --> </td>
-  <td valign="top"> <!-- MAIN PART -->  
-      <p> GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is an
- open source, Free Software Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster,
-topological vector, image processing, and graphics production functionality
-that operates on  <a href="general.html#platforms">various platforms</a>
-through a graphical user interface and shell in X-Windows. It is released
-under GNU General Public License (<a
- href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">GPL</a>).  </p>
-      <hr> <!-- MAIN: NEWS SECTION --> <font color="green"> 
-      <center> 
+  <!-- END LEFT MENU --> </td>
+   <td valign="top"> <!-- MAIN PART -->         
+      <p> GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is an 
+open source, Free Software Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster, 
+topological vector, image processing, and graphics production functionality 
+that operates on  <a href="general.html#platforms">various platforms</a> through
+a graphical user interface and shell in X-Windows. It is released under GNU
+General Public License (<a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">GPL</a>).
+ </p>
+      <hr> <!-- MAIN: NEWS SECTION --> <font color="green">        
+      <center>        
       <h4>Latest News!</h4>
- </center>
+  </center>
-   <li>15. January 2004: New <a href="http://www.up-ncts.org.ph/grass">mirror in the Philippines</a> National Centre for Transportation Studies</li>
-   <li>13. December 2003: New <a href="http://grass.wodgik.malopolska.pl">mirror in Poland</a> (Cracow)</li>
-   <li>10. December 2003: New <a href="http://wgbis.ces.iisc.ernet.in/grass/index.html">Indian mirror site</a>
-  - <a href="http://wgbis.ces.iisc.ernet.in/grass/Welcome.html">Centre for
+    <li>15. January 2004: New <a href="http://www.up-ncts.org.ph/grass">mirror
+in the Philippines</a> National Centre for Transportation Studies</li>
+    <li>13. December 2003: New <a
+ href="http://grass.wodgik.malopolska.pl">mirror in Poland</a> (Cracow)</li>
+    <li>10. December 2003: New <a
+ href="http://wgbis.ces.iisc.ernet.in/grass/index.html">Indian mirror site</a> 
+  - <a href="http://wgbis.ces.iisc.ernet.in/grass/Welcome.html">Centre for 
    Ecological Sciences</a>, Indian Institute of Science</li>
-        <li>06. November 2003: <a
- href="announces/announce_grass503.html">GRASS 5.0.3 released in source form</a>
+         <li>06. November 2003: <a
+ href="announces/announce_grass503.html">GRASS 5.0.3 released in source form</a> 
 !  Binaries coming soon. </li>
-        <li>31. October 2003: New <a href="http://www.grass.sk">Slovakian mirror site</a> - Prime Interactive Ltd. </li>
+         <li>31. October 2003: New <a href="http://www.grass.sk">Slovakian
+mirror site</a> - Prime Interactive Ltd. </li>
-      <center>  
+      <center>         
       <h4>Upcoming Conferences/Short Courses:</h4>
-  </center>
+   </center>
-  <li><a href="http://www.daur.unipd.it/grass/index.htm">V Meeting degli 
-     Utenti Italiani di GRASS</a> (Universit&agrave; degli Studi di Padova
-- 5/6       Febbraio 2004)  </li>
-        <li><a href="http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/grass04/">Free and
-Open       Source Software for Geoinformatics: GIS-GRASS User Conference
-2004</a>        (Bangkok, Thailand, Sept 12-14, 2004)  </li>
+   <li><a href="http://www.daur.unipd.it/grass/index.htm">V Meeting degli
+      Utenti Italiani di GRASS</a> (Universit&agrave; degli Studi di Padova 
+- 5/6       Febbraio 2004)</li>
+        <li><a href="http://www.omsug.ca">Open Source GIS Conference and
+Second MapServer Users Meeting</a> (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada,
+June 9-11, 2004)</li>
+         <li><a href="http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/grass04/">Free and 
+Open       Source Software for Geoinformatics: GIS-GRASS User Conference 2004</a>
+       (Bangkok, Thailand, Sept 12-14, 2004)</li>
-  </font> <br>
+   </font> <br>
       <table bgcolor="#008000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
  border="0" width="100%">
-  <tbody>
-          <tr>
-            <td>  
+   <tbody>
+           <tr>
+             <td>               
             <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0"
-  <tbody>
-                <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-  <td valign="top"><b>Version status</b>    
+   <tbody>
+                 <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
+   <td valign="top"><b>Version status</b>                       
                   <table border="0" width="100%">
-    <tbody>
-                      <tr bgcolor="#bbffbb">
-    <td>5.0.x:</td>
-                        <td> Current Stable: <a href="download.html#g50">5.0.3</a></td>
-    </tr>
-                      <tr bgcolor="#bbffbb">
-    <td>5.3.x:</td>
-                        <td> Current development: <a href="grasscvs.html">5.3-cvs</a></td>
-    </tr>
-                      <tr bgcolor="#ffffcc">
-    <td>5.7.x:</td>
-                        <td> Current development: <a
+     <tbody>
+                       <tr bgcolor="#bbffbb">
+     <td>5.0.x:</td>
+                         <td> Current Stable: <a
+ href="download.html#g50">5.0.3</a></td>
+     </tr>
+                       <tr bgcolor="#bbffbb">
+     <td>5.3.x:</td>
+                         <td> Current development: <a
+ href="grasscvs.html">5.3-cvs</a></td>
+     </tr>
+                       <tr bgcolor="#ffffcc">
+     <td>5.7.x:</td>
+                         <td> Current development: <a
-    </tr>
-                      <tr>
-    <td>&nbsp;</td>
-                        <td> For features details, see <a
+     </tr>
+                       <tr>
+     <td>&nbsp;</td>
+                         <td> For features details, see <a
-    </tr>
-                    </tbody>
+     </tr>
+                    </tbody>                   
-   </td>
-   <td valign="top">   
-                  <div align="right">   <i>(Submit related announcements
-                  <a
+    </td>
+    <td valign="top">                      
+                  <div align="right">   <i>(Submit related announcements 
+                 <a
  href="mailto:weblist at grass.itc.it?subject=Announcement%20for%20GRASS%20web%20site&amp;body=Announcement%20for%20GRASS%20web%20site">here</a>)</i><br>
-   <a href="newsarchive.html">News Archive</a><br>
-   <a href="press.html">GRASS in the News</a><br>
-   </div>
-   </td>
-   </tr>
-              </tbody>
+    <a href="newsarchive.html">News Archive</a><br>
+    <a href="press.html">GRASS in the News</a><br>
+    </div>
+    </td>
+    </tr>
+              </tbody>             
- </td>
-          </tr>
-        </tbody>
+  </td>
+           </tr>
+        </tbody>       
-  <!-- MAIN: NEWS SECTION -->  
+   <!-- MAIN: NEWS SECTION -->         
- <li> GRASS is developed by a worldwide network of developers who continue
-to release new GRASS versions regularly. The main web site, the GRASS development
+  <li> GRASS is developed by a worldwide network of developers who continue 
+to release new GRASS versions regularly. The main web site, the GRASS development 
 mailing list and further lists are hosted at <a
  href="http://www.itc.it/">ITC-irst</a> in Italy (SSI/<a
- href="http://mpa.itc.it/">MPBA group</a>). The source code is maintained
+ href="http://mpa.itc.it/">MPBA group</a>). The source code is maintained 
 in a CVS server which is run along with the bug tracker by <a
- href="http://www.intevation.net/">Intevation GmbH</a> in Germany. The GRASS
+ href="http://www.intevation.net/">Intevation GmbH</a> in Germany. The GRASS 
 user list is hosted at Baylor University, USA (<a
- href="http://www3.baylor.edu/cagsr/">CAGSR</a>). Finally we are supported
+ href="http://www3.baylor.edu/cagsr/">CAGSR</a>). Finally we are supported 
 by numerous <a href="grass.mirrors.html">mirror sites</a>.</li>
-  <li> Check here for <a
- href="http://freegis.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/%7Echeckout%7E/grass/NEWS.html">GRASS
+   <li> Check here for <a
+ href="http://freegis.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/%7Echeckout%7E/grass/NEWS.html">GRASS 
 5.0 Development News</a> </li>
         <p> </p>
-        <li> GRASS <a href="http://grass.itc.it/wiki2/">WIKI</a> site!  
-  A Wiki is a site where everyone can contribute to the contents. </li>
+         <li> GRASS <a href="http://grass.itc.it/wiki2/">WIKI</a> site! 
+   A Wiki is a site where everyone can contribute to the contents. </li>
         <p> </p>
-        <li> <a href="help-wanted.html">Help wanted (How to get involved
+         <li> <a href="help-wanted.html">Help wanted (How to get involved 
 with GRASS)!</a></li>
-  <!-- END MAIN PART -->  <!-- FOOTER --> 
-      <hr> 
+   <!-- END MAIN PART -->  <!-- FOOTER -->        
+      <hr>        
       <div align="right">&copy; 1999-2003 GRASS Development Team<br>
- <a href="impressum.html">Imprint</a> | <a
+  <a href="impressum.html">Imprint</a> | <a
  href="mailto:weblist at grass.itc.it">Comments</a> about this page<br>
- <i>Last change: $Date$ </i></div>
-  </td>
-   </tr>
-  </tbody>
+  <i>Last change: $Date$ </i></div>
+   </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody> 
-  <br>
+   <br>
+ <br>

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