[GRASSweb-list]wrong link to r.mapcalc program tutorial

Martin Weisse weisse at terrestris.de
Thu Jan 13 11:56:29 EST 2005

Hi there,

I tried to get the r.mapcalc Program Tutorial. But the link (http://grass.itc.it/grass57/manuals/Postscript/) advertised on the online manual page (http://grass.itc.it/grass57/manuals/html57_user/r.mapcalc.html) doesn't work. Do you know where I can get it?

Thx for your help


terrestris GbR
Martin Weiße
Siemensstr. 8
D-53121 Bonn

T: ++49 (0)228 - 962 899 51
F: ++49 (0)228 - 962 899 57

Internet: www.terrestris.de
E-Mail: weisse at terrestris.de
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