[GRASSweb-list]scott: web/community support.inc,1.14,1.15

grass at intevation.de grass at intevation.de
Thu Sep 1 10:53:45 EDT 2005

Author: scott

Update of /grassrepository/web/community
In directory doto:/tmp/cvs-serv9193

Modified Files:
Log Message:
added non-digest instruction to GRASS list details

Index: support.inc
RCS file: /grassrepository/web/community/support.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -d -r1.14 -r1.15
--- support.inc	30 May 2005 10:41:46 -0000	1.14
+++ support.inc	1 Sep 2005 14:53:43 -0000	1.15
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
 To unsubscribe from the GRASS
-Users List, send email to:  <a href="mailto:listproc at baylor.edu"><b>listproc</b>@baylor.edu</a>
+Users List, send email to:  <a href="mailto:listproc at baylor.edu"><b>listproc</b>@baylor.edu</a>, <B>from the address you used to subscribe to the list</b>.
 <br>In the body of the message, write the command:
 <br><b>unsubscribe GRASSLIST</b>
 <br>Please do not send "unsubscribe" messages to the user mailing list -
@@ -427,17 +427,19 @@
 <a href="mailto:weblist at grass.itc.it">problems contact us</a>.</li>
-POST to the GRASS Users Mailing
+To POST a message to the GRASS Users Mailing
+List send email to:
 <a href="mailto:GRASSLIST at baylor.edu"><b>GRASSLIST</b>@baylor.edu</a></li>
 Digest mode (bundle messages):
-It is possible to receive messages from the mailing list bundled. For that
-send in the message <b>body</b>:<br>
-"SET grasslist at baylor.edu MAIL DIGEST"<br>
-to <a href="mailto:listproc at baylor.edu?subject=digest&amp;body=SET grasslist at baylor.edu MAIL DIGEST">listproc at baylor.edu</a></li>
+It is possible to receive messages from the mailing list bundled into digests, instead of receiving every message separately. To turn on that option
+send a message FROM the address you used to subscribe to the list TO <a href="mailto:listproc at baylor.edu?subject=digest&amp;body=SET grasslist at baylor.edu MAIL DIGEST">listproc at baylor.edu</a><br>
+and in the <b>BODY</b> of that message, put the following command:<br>
+"SET grasslist at baylor.edu MAIL DIGEST"<br></li>
+<li>To REVERSE this option (i.e. to go back to getting individual messages, follow the above instructions but send the command:<br>
+"SET grasslist at baylor.edu MAIL"<BR>
+to <a href="mailto:listproc at baylor.edu?subject=digest&amp;body=SET grasslist at baylor.edu MAIL">listproc at baylor.edu</a><br></li>
 <a href="../mailing_lists/list_rules.html">Complete
 rules and information</a> for the GRASS Mailing List</li>

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