[GRASSweb-list]markus: web/grass60/manuals README.html,NONE,1.1

grass at intevation.de grass at intevation.de
Mon Sep 12 07:39:56 EDT 2005

Author: markus

Update of /grassrepository/web/grass60/manuals
In directory doto:/tmp/cvs-serv32541

Added Files:
Log Message:

--- NEW FILE: README.html ---
  <title>GRASS 6 Programmer's Manual</title>

<h2>GRASS 6 Programmer's Manual</h2>

Please cite GRASS when using it as we have invested a lot of time and
effort in creating GRASS.<br>

 GRASS Development Team (<i>&lt;year&gt;</i>). Geographic Resources Analysis Support
 System (GRASS), GNU General Public License. ITC-irst, Trento, Italy, http://grass.itc.it

<b>GRASS 6:</b>

The manual has been integrated into the source code (doxygen format) and
can be extracted with 'make pdfdocs' or downloaded from this page.

  <li> PDF: see above, updated weekly
  <li> <a href="http://mpa.itc.it/markus/grass60progman/">HTML</a> (sometimes updated)
  <li> <a href="http://freegis.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/grass6/doc/raster/">r.example: example C code for GRASS raster programming<
  <li> <a href="http://freegis.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/grass6/doc/vector/v.example/">v.example: example C code for GRASS 6 vector

Contents of  directory lib/:

bitmap     : bitmap library for X Window Bitmaps
btree      : binary tree library
bwidget    : tcl/tk extra library
cdhc       : library for testing normality and exponentiality
D          : display library
datetime   : DateTime library
db         : database management interface database drivers + SQL parser (DBMI)
display    : library for CELL driver
dspf       : G3D display files library
edit       : edit library
external   : external libraries from other projects (shapelib)
fonts      : Hershey fonts
form       : forms library
front.end  : interface for interactive modules
g3d        : G3D raster volume library
gis        : main GRASS library
gmath      : generic mathematical functions (matrix, fft etc.)
             (later to be extended, BLAS/LAPACK library)
gtcltk     : Tcl/Tk stuff
image      : extra imagery library (image3)
imagery    : imagery library
init       : GRASS initialization code + scripts
linkm      : linked list memory manager
ogsf       : openGL (R) library (required for NVIZ)
proj       : PROJ4.4.x projection library
raster     : GRASS raster display library (raster map functions are in gis/)
rowio      : row in/out library
rst        : library for interpolation with regularized splines with tension
segment    : segment library
sites      : old Sites library, now interfaced to vect library
symbol     : drawing symbols for point vector data
vask       : curses management library
vect       : GRASS vector and Direct Graph library


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   <a href="../../impressum.html">Imprint</a> |
   <a href="../../contact.php">Comments</a> about this page<br>


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