[GRASS-web] [GRASS GIS Elections 2020] Announcement and voters registry

Chief Return Officer (CRO) - GRASS GIS election 2020 variablestarlight at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 01:01:35 PST 2020

Dear members of the GRASS community,

We are about to launch the 2020 election for members of the Project 
Steering Committee (PSC).

The nominating and voting process will be soon explained in detail in 
the Trac wiki (needs update, coming soon):


In the meanwhile, it may be of interest for the members of the community 
to check whether they are eligible to vote.

In this election, those who have the right to vote will be:

- all people with write access to any of the GRASS GIS repositories (i.e 
for example also including add-ons and website).
- all people that have already posted a pull request to github (possibly 
only those PR that have been merged)
- all people that have contributed to Transifex.

We are therefore considering the following lists as GRASS GIS electoral 


If someone finds that her/his name is not on any of these lists but it 
should, please send an e-mail to the corresponding list to inform the 
members of the PSC so the situation can be solved.


Chief Return Officer (CRO)

GRASS GIS election 2020

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