[winGRASS] libG11 update

Mike Thomas miketh at brisbane.paradigmgeo.com
Tue Dec 11 02:52:18 EST 2001

Hi there.

I just checked in some changes in the X emulation library libG11which:

  - allow the Win32 native XDriver to refresh after being covered by other
  - stop "v.digit" crashes due to the event queue pointer not being kept in
bounds after increment,
  - add a logging function (NT_log) which sends output to a file
"logger.txt", switchable at compile time from near the end of "ntdef.h" ,
(#define DEBUGGER) and
  - clean up some messy switch statements in event.c.

Ongoing problem:

  - "point" zoom in i.points doesn't clean up behind itself.

Brand new problem:

  - Window resizing will quickly crash the XDriver.

I continue to work on those two problems.

Mike Thomas.

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