[GRASS5] Re: [winGRASS] libG11 update

Mike Thomas miketh at brisbane.paradigmgeo.com
Wed Dec 12 20:09:34 EST 2001

Hi again.

> Crashes the monitor?

Hangs XDriver, lots of disk activity, then death of XDriver.

> That seems odd; all the monitor does is to fork() a subprocess which
> calls system() for each command which was registered with
> D_add_to_list(). It shouldn't make any difference if the commands are
> d.vect or d.sites.

No, unless libG11 is getting confused about clipping for some commands and
not others.

> Does the output of d.save contain anything unusual?

"D.save" - great command - thanks for the tip!  There seems to be a problem
after resize with the arguments to g.region".  Here is the output after
starting the monitor, without displaying anything:

GRASS:~ > d.save -a
# Shell Script created by d.save Thu Dec 13 10:56:27 2001

# Here are the commands to create window: full_screen
d.frame -ec frame=full_screen at=0,100,0,100
g.region n=4928000 s=4914000 e=609000 w=590000 nsres=100 ewres=100

d.frame -s frame=full_screen


Now I do a small (~10% larger) resize and:

GRASS:~ > d.save -a
# Shell Script created by d.save Thu Dec 13 10:56:48 2001

# Here are the commands to create window: full_screen
d.frame -ec frame=full_screen at=0,100,0,100
g.region n= s= e= w= nsres= ewres=

d.frame -s frame=full_screen

Note the arguments to "g.region", blank in the second case.  Neither of
"d.erase" or "g.region -d" fix this.  Is that normal?

The other thing I notice is that the larger the monitor size, the slower the
redraw.  Is that normal?


Mike Thomas.

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