[GRASS5] Re: [winGRASS] libG11 update

Mike Thomas miketh at brisbane.paradigmgeo.com
Wed Dec 12 22:01:25 EST 2001

Hi there.

> I was mainly interested in the case where something was actually
> displayed, particularly a case which subsequently crashes. d.save
> should list the commands which will be performed upon resize.

This quickly hangs after a few resizes then crashes after several more
# Shell Script created by d.save Thu Dec 13 12:43:31 2001

# Here are the commands to create window: full_screen
d.frame -ec frame=full_screen at=0,100,0,100
g.region n=4928000 s=4914000 e=609000 w=590000 nsres=100 ewres=100

d.rast map=elevation.dem                                               # 3
d.vect map=streams color=blue                                          # 2
d.sites sitefile=bugsites color=orange size=3 type=+                   # 1

d.frame -s frame=full_screen


This one survives numerous resizings without death, but after those
resizings, a single "d.vect map=streams" kills the monitor:
# Shell Script created by d.save Thu Dec 13 12:51:06 2001

# Here are the commands to create window: full_screen
d.frame -ec frame=full_screen at=0,100,0,100
g.region n= s= e= w= nsres= ewres=

d.rast map=elevation.dem                                               # 1

d.frame -s frame=full_screen

My original message was just a statistical bug data gathering exercise while
I slept that night.


Mike Thomas.

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