[winGRASS] Re: generic Windows GRASS driver

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Thu Sep 20 08:21:37 EDT 2001

Hi Mike,

On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 06:09:35PM +1000, Mike Thomas wrote:
> Hi all.
> Debugging the libW11 version of the XDriver - the exposition of my logic may
> be a little laborious, but I am coming to grips with the differences between
> X11 and Windows from behind the pole position.
> OK - further to the report below, it seems that the libW11 display window
> closes down as soon as the parent XDRIVER exits - that is, when the message:
>     Graphics driver [x0] started - exiting
> appears.
> My interpretation of this is that the new window is not running as a
> separate process and therefore is doomed to die with the process that
> launches it (ie the parent XDriver).
> I assume that this is not the case with X11 - that is, that the window is
> under the control of the XServer rather than the XDriver and is therefore
> preserved.
> On this basis I used the __W98__ define to stop the parent from exiting.
> This buys a display which waits for a response (looping on do_work(0)).
> Calling d.erase causes the display to die.  Unfortunately the debugging
> output messages keep on coming, without any visible parent process!!!
> I'll worry about that tomorrow.

to be of help (we intend to set up the stuff here for testing),
could you provide a list step-by-step what you
did so far?

1. setting up cygwin
2. install, compile GRASS
3. compile libW11 from cygwin (or is it already present)?
4. then?

It would save much (of our, sorry) time if you could send some hints.



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