[winGRASS] How to convert a dxf file of contour lines to DEM with grass?

shawn SHIH shawn.shih at msa.hinet.net
Wed Mar 13 02:28:32 EST 2002

I have a dxf file of contour lines, and I want to generate a DEM with these contour lines.  As I know, there are 4 step to be done.
(1) convert the dxf file to dig formate with v.in.dxf.
(2) edit category with v.support. The question is "How to set the category relate to the right contour line", (the contour lines value are from 100 to 750 period 50).
(3) convert vector file to raster file with v.to.rast.
(4) interpolate raster file to DEM with r.surf.contour. 

Am I right? Is there anything must pay attention to? Is there any better way to accomplish that job.


shawn SHIH

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