[winGRASS] tcltk problem

John Huddleston jhudd at lamar.colostate.edu
Mon May 19 07:17:11 EDT 2003

WinGrass list,

OK, I have an ugly but effective workaround.  The line that's failing is
line 1887 in the gui.tcl file.  From the Grass prompt simply type
and press return key.  It will tell you to click on your Xwindow.
Do that and observe the id that is returned.  My Id was 0x600001.
Edit the $GISBASE/tcltkgrass/main/gui.tcl file and change the
[winfo id .w_g] section on line 1887 to be your Id.  Save the file and it
should work correctly.

John Huddleston

-----Original Message-----
From: wingrass-admin at grass.itc.it [mailto:wingrass-admin at grass.itc.it]On
Behalf Of Wilhelm "Chip" Kogelmann
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 6:56 AM
To: wingrass at grass.itc.it
Subject: [winGRASS] tcltk problem

Hi All,

I'm able to run GRASS on cygwin on my XP machine.  Now I have a problem when
I try to start the graphical users interface when I type: tcltkgrass& at the
GRASS prompt.

tcltkgrass begins to start (I can see the boxes come up) but then I get an
error box that says "Error in startup script".  This box contains the
following message:

/usr/X11R6/bin/xwininfo: error: No such window with id 0x501da.
while executing
"exec xwininfo -id [winfo id .w _g]|grep -i Corners"
invoked from within

Can anyone tell me what I need to do to correct this problem?


Wilhelm Chip Kogelmann
PhD Candidate / GIS Analyst
The Pennsylvania State University
Dept. of Crop and Soil Science
116 ASI, University Park, PA 16803
814.863.7658;  wjk11 at psu.edu

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