[winGRASS] trouble with d.mon

Ed Davison bfdi533 at cbacc-security3.bus.utexas.edu
Fri Oct 10 15:29:31 EDT 2003

I have installed grass on Cygwin with the install script and have
successfully started GRASS.

I am now trying to start a monitor with 'd.mon start=x0' using X-Win X
Server and get the following error:

Dialog Box:
Title: XDRIVER.exe - Unable To Locate Component
Content: This application has failed to start because libX11.dll was not
found. Re-installing the applicatoi may fix this problem.
Button: OK

I used the batch file startxwingrass.bat from the web site to start
grass and the X Server.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ed Davison

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