[winGRASS] problem with CELL window option in GRASS 5.7.0

basu _ibm basu_ibm at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 18 09:03:39 EDT 2004

dear sir,
             i am a new user of GRASS 5.7.0 and a naive in cygwin platform. i have installed the GRASS 5.7.0 in my WINDOWS XP operating system.while setting up the
cygwin i selected the following packages:
a2ps               cygrunsrv         ghostscript    m4             regex          w32api   
agetty             cygutils            gnulogo        man            sed            which
antiword          cygwin             grace            minires       sh-utils       X11
apache            db                   grep             mktemp      sunrpc        xerces-c
apr                  diffutils             groff             ncurses      tar               zip
apr-util            editrights          gzip             opengl         tcsh             zlib
ash                 expat               inetutils        openssh      termcap
base-files         file                   jpeg            openssl        terminfo
base-passwd    fileutils            less             pcre             texinfo
bash                findutils           libiconv         perl             textutils
bzip2               gawk               libpng           popt            tiff
clear                gdbm              libungif          postgresql   time
crypt                gettext            login             readline       unzip      
under the x11 package i have downloaded                              
   cgoban                    transfig                     xorg-x11-devel           xorg-x11-xwin-gl        
   cygwin-x-doc            WindowMaker           xorg-x11-etc             X-start-menu-icons
   ddd                          x2x                          xorg-x11-f100            X-startup-scripts
   fontconfig                  Xaw3d                      xorg-x11-fcyr            xterm
   freetype2                  xfig                           xorg-x11-fenc           xwinclip
   fvwm                        XFree86-lib-compat     xorg-x11-fnts            xwinwm
   gv                            xgraph                       xorg-x11-fscl
   lesstif                       XmHTML                   xorg-x11-fsrv
   libXft                         xorg-x11-base           xorg-x11-libs-data
   nedit                         xorg-x11-bin              xorg-x11-man-pages
   openbox                   xorg-x11-bin-dlls         xorg-x11-man-pages-html
   tcm                          xorg-x11-bin-lndir        xorg-x11-xwin
But after installing the grass binaries(cyggdal-1.dll.tar, grass-5.7.0-i686-pc-cygwin-24_06_2004-install.sh, xtcltk-8.3.4-CYGWIN.tar.gz and grass-5.7.0-i686-pc-cygwin-24_06_2004.tar.gz) i was trying to display a raster image (SPOT Vegetation Data).the image is imported successfully, butwhile trying to display it, under the display menu of GUI in the "select monitor" option i am getting only the x0 to x6 windows, but the CELL window option is missing which is a raster display window.from the command mode(d.mon start=CELL-r) also it is showing "unable to find socket to connect monitor".i tried to open the raster image in x0 and x1 window, but it is not coming.actually, the image is a stacked image of 3 bands, GRASS is showing all the three stacks separately in the folder "PERMANENT" after importing is done, but it is not displaying the image in the x-windows.
I will be very much grateful to you if you kindly help me out of this problem so that i can continue with GRASS 5.7.0. 
With best regards
Arindam Chattopadhyay
room no.361, hostel kapili,
M.tech student (water resources),
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati,
north Guwahati. Assam,
arindam_99137 at yahoo.co.uk
arindamch at iitg.ernet.in

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