[winGRASS] cygwin GRASS 6.1 - import dem and display it problem

JBaum at townofbethlehem.org JBaum at townofbethlehem.org
Wed May 25 16:05:45 EDT 2005


I just downloaded GRASS 6.1, and installed it.  Used the Spearfish data and
tutorial successfully.  I tried to import our own data, starting with a
USGS ASCII DEM. I have the DEM in ARCGIS, so I tried to get it to import a
ESRI ASCII DEM too. I have used both r.in.gdal and r.in.arc through the GUI
in GRASS.  Every time the import processes to the point of CREATING SUPPORT
FILES FOR <layer name> then hangs.  I have given it overnight to finish.
If I try to open the resulting imported file, I get "unable to open
cellfile for  <layer name>"  I am unable to proceed.  Any ideas would be
appreciated, even directim me to the correct documentation of a book.

Jason Baum
GIS Specialist
Town of Bethlehem

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