[GRASS-windows] Georectifier status

Patton, Eric epatton at nrcan.gc.ca
Fri Dec 7 13:17:05 EST 2007

I just tested the RC3 today, very nice! 

I noticed in the error log that i.points and i.vpoints did not compile -
does this mean that the gis.m georectifier isn't working yet?

Eric Patton
Technologist, Geo-Spatial Data Services
Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic)
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia 
Canada B2Y 4A2

Telephone: (902)426-7732
Facsimile:  (902)426-4104
E-mail:       epatton at NRCan.gc.ca


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