FW: [winGRASS] V.digit issues with TCL

Sampson, David dsampson at NRCan.gc.ca
Fri Nov 9 09:25:20 EST 2007

One other message I get is a "Error is startup script" dialogue
can't find package BWidget 1.2.1 while executing
"package require -exact BWidget 1.2.1"
(file "c:\GRASS\grass\grass-6.3.cvs/etc/v.digit/toolbox.tcl" line 2)


	From: wingrass-bounces at grass.itc.it
[mailto:wingrass-bounces at grass.itc.it] On Behalf Of Sampson, David
	Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 09:14
	To: wingrass at grass.itc.it
	Subject: [winGRASS] V.digit issues with TCL

	Hey Folks, 

	Trying some new functions with the GRASS win binary. 

	I can use the GUI no problem, but todays issue is with v.digit. 

	I have one vector file of a road network loaded.  I wanted to do
some edits to find nodes and such manualy as v.to.points for nodes and
vertices returned nothing.

	I got a message saying the v.digit could not find init.tcl 

	My TCL is in C:\Tcl\lib\tcl8.4 

	And the file exists, but the directory is never checked.... 

	Instead it tries to look in my apache2triad directory and a
bunch of GRASS directories. 

	I tried putting ina shortcut from the apache2triad directory to
connect (sorta line a symbolic link in linux) but no glory. I also
created a TCL env variable and added it to the path, still nothing.

	The message ends "This probably means that TCL wasn't installed

	I believe I followed the extra install steps.... 

	The following is my batch file 

	@echo off 
	rem # 
	rem #           GRASS Initialization 
	rem # 

	rem *******Environment variables*********** 
	rem Uncomment and set the following values if they differ from
the indicated default 

	rem Directory where your .grassrc6 file will be stored 

	rem Name of the wish (Tk) executable 
	rem set GRASS_WISH=wish.exe 

	rem Path to the shell command 
	set GRASS_SH=c:\msys\1.0\bin\sh.exe 

	rem Path to your web browser 
	rem set
	set GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=C:\Program Files\Mozilla

	rem Path to the proj files (notably the epsg projection list) 
	rem set GRASS_PROJSHARE=\c\grass\share\proj 
	set GRASS_PROJSHARE=C:\GRASS\grass\share\proj 

	set WINGISBASE=c:\GRASS\grass\grass-6.3.cvs 
	"%WINGISBASE%\etc\init.bat" %* 

	All the regualr windows can find TCL just fine... am I missing
something else?... 

	Is this a script thing, a python thing, an environemnt variable

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