[GRASS-windows] Problems with Mapcanvas

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Mon Nov 19 15:37:27 EST 2007

Doug_Newcomb at fws.gov wrote:

> > > I'm having trouble viewing any datasets on the map canvas.  When I "Enter
> > > GRASS"  I get the following message popping up :
> > >
> > > can't read "end": no such variable
> > > can't read "end": no such variable
> > >     while executing
> > > "string trim $parts(projection) $end"
> > >     (procedure "MapCanvas::runprograms" line 47)
> > 
> > The code (mapcanvas.tcl:593) is:
> > 
> >                          # Finally put this into wind file format to use with GRASS_REGION
> >                          regexp -nocase {^.* (\(.*\))} $parts(projection) trash end
> >                          set parts(projection) [string trim $parts(projection) $end]
> > 
> > It should be checking the return value from regexp before trying to
> > use the match variables.
>       The regions that I entered were created using the startup tool with
> the EPSG code and Georefernced file options.  Based on your feedback below,
> I created a new mapset using qgis 0.9.  I was then able to open the new
> mapset  in GRASS without the error message.
>        Could there be a problem with the way that the startup menu creates
> new regions/mapsets from EPSG codes and Georeferenced files?

Possibly. It would be useful to see the output from "g.region -up"
for a non-working location.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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