[GRASS-windows] RE: 1. Convert from Meters to Degrees (Louis Becker)

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Sun Aug 31 15:00:41 EDT 2008

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 4:53 PM, Louis Becker
<Louis.Becker at cellone.com.na> wrote:
> Hi Markus & Niel
> Although I have been able to get a GeoTiff that works, I am still
> wondering what to do should that not have been the case. As such please
> find info as follows. I want to import a GeoTiff file into the following
> location obtained with "g.region -p":
> projection: 0 (x,y)

You created an unprojected location which is unsuitable for your
UTM GeoTIFF below.
> This is the gdalinfo for the file:
> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
> Files: nam_trimmed_utm34.tif
> Size is 2091, 1980
> Coordinate System is `'

>From the file name (unfortunately missing in the metadata) you need a
location UTM 34.

In GRASS >=6.3 there is a new location wizard available which greatly
helps (not sure if working on Windows already). In general, creating an
UTM 34 location is fairly easy. Then import the map into it.

If it had complete metadata, you could generate the location directly
from the GeoTIFF.


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