[GRASS-windows] v.in.ogr, "unable to open source data"

Monkey Boy slabshaft at gmail.com
Wed Dec 31 13:12:48 EST 2008

Just like several other people on this list, I'm new to GRASS and GIS in
general, so please forgive my ignorance...

I am using:
MS Windows XP Pro, 2002, Service Pack 3

Here is a link to exactly what I want to do:  (

I used the following steps:
File>Import vector map>Mutiple formats using OGR

I clicked on the browse-to-file folder icon, and chose the following
(this is what appears in the "OGR datasource name" field)

In the "Name for output vector map" field I typed:

I left all other boxes, fields, check marks, etc as they appear by default.

Then I clicked the "Run" button.

Here is my result from the "Output" window:
output=test_streets min_area=0.0001 snap=-1

Error message:
ERROR 4: Unable to open
C:/GRASS_map_data/GIS_DataBase/track_elev/PERMANENT_SHP/STREETS.shx or
Additional error info:
Unable to open data source

I have been digging through all the help info, mailing lists, user manuals,
etc and tried everything in this mailing list post:

But nothing seems to work.  I've tried everything thing I can think of with
my very limited experience with GRASS.

I'm not familiar with Unix and don't know what "CYGWIN" is, but it seems
some people have had more luck than me using that kind of install and setup.

If anyone can help or give suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it!
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