[GRASS-windows] native grass63RC4 and MSYS shell

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Fri Feb 22 04:03:52 EST 2008

On 12/02/08 09:18, Mirko Baruffini wrote:
> Yes, I get the warning messages reported below. It seems that tcltk 
> doesn't work correctly....(but I can see the grass GIS manager, map 
> display and output windows...). As you can see the scipts run only in 
> text mode...

I don't know what is in v.layer.analysis.sh. Maybe you could first try 
with one of the scripts integrated into grass, such as v.db.update. What 
happens if you run that without arguments ?


> Mirko
> mirko.baruffini at ISTPC29 /
> $ /c/grass63RC4/bin/grass63
> Cleaning up temporary files.....
> Starting GRASS ...
> GISDBASE='W:/grassdb';
> MAPSET='Mirko';
> WARNING: Attention!
> WARNING: Locking is not supported on Windows!
> GRASS GUI should be tcltk
>           __________  ___   __________    _______________
>          / ____/ __ \/   | / ___/ ___/   / ____/  _/ ___/
>         / / __/ /_/ / /| | \__ \\_  \   / / __ / / \__ \
>        / /_/ / _, _/ ___ |___/ /__/ /  / /_/ // / ___/ /
>        \____/_/ |_/_/  |_/____/____/   \____/___//____/ 
> Welcome to GRASS 6.3.0RC4 (2008)
> GRASS homepage:                          http://grass.osgeo.org/
> This version running thru:               Bourne Shell (/bin/sh)
> Help is available with the command:      g.manual -i
> See the licence terms with:              g.version -c
> If required, restart the graphical user interface with: gis.m
> When ready to quit enter:                exit
> GRASS 6.3.0RC4 (Ticino):C:/msys/1.0 > cd ../
> GRASS 6.3.0RC4 (Ticino):C:/msys > cd ../
> GRASS 6.3.0RC4 (Ticino):C: > v.la
> v.label.exe           v.layer.analysis.py~ 
> v.layer.analysis.py   v.layer.analysis.sh  
> GRASS 6.3.0RC4 (Ticino):C: > v.layer.analysis.sh
> ERROR: Required parameter <map> not set:
>     (Vector map).
> ERROR: Required parameter <column_tab> not set:
>     (Name of the column tab).
> ERROR: Required parameter <column> not set:
>     (Name of the column).
> Description:
>  Select a column to be analyzed
> Keywords:
>  vector, database, attribute table
> Usage:
>  v.layer.analysis.sh map=name [layer=value] column_tab=string
>    column=string [--verbose] [--quiet]
> Flags:
>  --v   Verbose module output
>  --q   Quiet module output
> Parameters:
>          map   Vector map
>        layer   Layer
>                default: 1
>   column_tab   Name of the column tab
>       column   Name of the column
> GRASS 6.3.0RC4 (Ticino):C: >
> Moritz Lennert ha scritto:
>> On 11/02/08 16:39, Mirko Baruffini wrote:
>>> Thank you Moritz!
>>> Now it works! I have modified the file bin/grass63 as you told me. 
>>> But the scipts run only in text mode....
>>> Can I also run them with a GUI?
>>> Can you help me?
>> What does not work in the GUI ? Do you get error messages ?
>> Moritz
>>> Mirko
>>> Moritz Lennert ha scritto:
>>>> On 08/02/08 22:11, Glynn Clements wrote:
>>>>> Mirko Baruffini wrote:
>>>>>> I' m using wingrass grass63RC4. The use is ok, but, when I launch 
>>>>>> grass63.bat, it does not load the shell msys (I have uncommented 
>>>>>> and adapted some of the environment variables in 
>>>>>> grass/bin/grass63.bat).
>>>>>> So i decided to launch a script with native wingrass launching 
>>>>>> grass from within the msys shell.
>>>>>> When I type /c/grass/bin/grass63 it does not load grass. On the 
>>>>>> sceen I can read:
>>>>>> mirko.baruffini at ISTPC29 /
>>>>>> $ /c/grass63RC4/bin/grass63
>>>>>> /c/grass63RC4/grass-6.3.0RC4/etc/Init.sh: uname: command not found
>>>>>> /c/grass63RC4/grass-6.3.0RC4/etc/Init.sh: uname: command not found
>>>>>> /c/grass63RC4/grass-6.3.0RC4/etc/Init.sh: mkdir: command not found
>>>>>> Cannot create temporary directory! Exiting.
>>>>>> But the command uname exists:
>>>>>> mirko.baruffini at ISTPC29 /
>>>>>> $ uname
>>>>>> MINGW32_NT-5.1
>>>>>> What could  I do?
>>>>> AFAIK, starting GRASS or running GRASS commands from the MSys shell is
>>>>> unsupported under Windows.
>>>> No, it should work. I cannot reproduce the above error messages. 
>>>> However, to make the current 63RC4 package work, you have to change 
>>>> the bin/grass63 file from
>>>> GISBASE=c:/grass63RC4/grass-6.3.0RC4
>>>> to
>>>> GISBASE=/c/grass63RC4/grass-6.3.0RC4
>>>> Then it works well for me (not everything tested, though).
>>>>> Unfortunately, MSys shell provides an environment which is somewhere
>>>>> between Unix and Windows, and not entirely compatible with either. In
>>>>> particular, any pathnames which GRASS sees will need to be compatible
>>>>> with Windows, e.g. C:\path\to\file or C:/path/to/file rather than
>>>>> MSys' /c/path/to/file convention.
>>>> Well, actually, as you can see above, for launching grass you need 
>>>> the msys style.
>>>>> The focus of WinGRASS is to produce a *native* Windows version. Unless
>>>>> you're building WinGRASS yourself, you shouldn't need MSys for
>>>>> anything other than running shell scripts.
>>>> And even then, I guess other shells would also do the trick, such as 
>>>> Gnuwin32's shell and tools such as awk and sed. Msys is more 
>>>> convenient as the default installation contains these tools.
>>>> Moritz
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