[GRASS-windows] WinGRASS-6.3.0RC6 Released

Marco Pasetti marco.pasetti at alice.it
Mon Mar 31 13:28:57 EDT 2008

WinGRASS Project web page and downloads:
WinGRASS project changes:
1. GRASS-6.3.0RC6 build; see
http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Release/6.3.0RC6-News for GRASS changes; 2.
Update to GDAL 1.5.1, with Expat support added; 3. A new README file,
containing more information about WinGRASS Project; 4. Updates of
MSYS_Environment, plus its README file; 5. Updates of WinGRASS Sources
package; 6. Add of missing r.cats, r.paint.labels and p.out.vrml dynamic
links; 7. Updates of GRASS Windows Native Bianry Building Guide.
Windows installer changes:
1. Fixed path settings in grass63.bat and grass63 files, that solves errors
generated by installations over pre-installed Tcl-Tk releases; 2. Rearranged
registry key entries; 3. Added the untar tool, that lets the install
procedure to download and install also tar.gz archives; 4. Added the option
to download and install also the new North Carolina Data Set (Sample

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