[GRASS-windows] Problems with accessing location between windows and linux

Martin Maier martmai at gmx.de
Fri Oct 10 09:57:33 EDT 2008

Moritz Lennert schrieb am 10.10.2008 15:10:
> On 10/10/08 11:46, Martin Maier wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am using a dual boot system with Windows XP and OpenSuse. I have
>> created some locations and mapsets using GRASS Windows (with the native
>> windows installer, 6.3.0-4), on a FAT32 disk. When I now try to access
>> these locations out of the OpenSuse System (navigating to the database),
>> I can see the created locations, but if I chose a location I get no
>> mapsets. So I can not access any data created with the windows version
>> of GRASS.
>> Is there any difference in creating files between the windows and the
>> linux versions of GRASS or is a problem with accessing the FAT32
>> file-system with the Linux-GRASS?
>> Any hint would be great.
> Probably an issue with permissions. How do you mount the windows
> partition ?
> You might be able to create a mapset in SUSE and then use g.mapsets
> (in gis.m: Config->GRASS working environment->Mapset access) to give
> yourself read access to the other mapsets.
> Moritz
Hello Moritz,

thank you for the tip.
I mount with the following line in fstab:
/dev/sda3            /media/daten         vfat      
users,gid=users,umask=0002,utf8=true,quiet 0 0
So I have read and write permission to the directory (I am member of the
group 'users').

But it is indeed a problem of permission, but I don't know what's the
If I start GRASS in text-mode within OpenSuse, I can create a new mapset
(e.g. mapset1) within the location 'loc1' which I have created within
Windows and mounted as described. GRASS saves a new folder 'mapset1' in
the folder 'loc1'. Within the folder 'mapset1' there are two files: var
and wind and a folder named dbf.
After that a error message appears:

Sorry, no access to <<mapset1>>.

Mapsets in location <loc1>
   PERMANENT              test.grc              mapset1

note: you do not have access to any of these mapsets

Then GRASS closes down. But GRASS has just created the mapset1 folder,
so I should have write permission, or not?

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