[Gvsig_italian] 9th International gvSIG Conference: Communication proposals deadline today

gvSIG News Office press a gvsig.com
Ven 4 Ott 2013 00:37:05 PDT

Hi all,

We remind you that the deadline for submitting communication proposals for the 9th International gvSIG Conference (Valencia-Spain, 27th-29th November 2013) [1] is today. You just have to send an abstract, following the template provided on the Reports section of the Conference web page [2] to conference-contact a gvsig.com.

We also remind you that registration period is still open, and you can register to the conference from [3]. 

We expect your participation!

[1] http://jornadas.gvsig.org
[2] http://jornadas.gvsig.org/9as/comunicaciones
[3] http://jornadas.gvsig.org/9as/Inscripcion/application-form

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