[gvSIG_Italian] 11th International gvSIG Conference: Communication proposals

gvSIG News Office press a gvsig.com
Ven 25 Set 2015 01:51:34 PDT

We would like to inform you that we have extended the deadline for 
submitting communication proposals for the 11th International gvSIG 
Conference (Valencia-Spain, 2nd-4th December 2015) [1]. The extended 
deadline is October 2nd. You just have to send an abstract, following 
the template provided on the Communications section of the Conference 
web page to conference-contact a gvsig.com.

In addition, registration period is still open (they are free of 
charge), and you can register to the registration from of the website.

We expect your participation!

[1] http://jornadas.gvsig.org

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