[I3geo] EUA Federal Source Code Policy

Moretti Edmar edmar.moretti em gmail.com
Sexta Março 11 11:30:46 PST 2016



Introduction for Public Comment

The White House committed to adopting a Government-wide Open Source
Software policy in its Second Open Government National Action Plan that
“will support improved access to custom software code developed for the
Federal Government,” emphasizing that using and contributing back to open
source software can fuel innovation, lower costs, and benefit the public.1
In support of that commitment, today the White House Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) is releasing a draft policy to improve the way
custom-developed Government code is acquired and distributed moving
forward. This policy is consistent with the Federal Government’s
long-standing policy of ensuring that “Federal investments in IT
(information technology) are merit-based, improve the performance of our
Government, and create value for the American people.”2

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