[I3geo-OSGEO] [I3geo-SPB] what a beautiful surprise

I3geo moraiscg em uol.com.br
Quinta Maio 25 14:24:37 PDT 2017


I've been looking through latest news when  I've just come across that beautiful  thing, it  was a  real  surprise for me, check it out http://gift.lotttech.com

Thanks for your consideration, I3geo

From: i3Geo SPB [mailto:i3geo em listas.softwarepublico.gov.br]
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 5:24 PM
To: moraiscg em uol.com.br
Subject: Maybe a mindrapist?

This is incredibly good advice. I took time  off from running for the birth  and it  was a  good  move because my wife appreciated the help and  I came  back  even stronger  once my little girl could ride in a jogging stroller. Your wife will love the break  while you and  your kid get out of the house to lay down  some miles  and  it will get you  in  shape fast.

For those first few months though,  I was lucky to get  in 4 hours of sleep, let alone  a run...it can be  really hard.  You  might get  lucky and  have  a kid who sleeps well, though. I was not. But  now running is something very special that  we do together all the time and  she  loves it.

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