[Ica-osgeo-labs] ICA-OSGeo Labs network website
Jeff McKenna
jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu May 23 11:28:55 PDT 2013
To clarify I am referring to the logo at the top of
http://www.conlibre.org/osgeolabs/ (which seems to be a custom logo). I
agree, the official name of the network is "ICA OSGeo Lab Network"; my
message was in regards to the OSGeo logo at the top of the draft page.
Not sure, I am not understanding your point fully Maria (I really did
not intent to open up the naming debate again, I simply wanted to change
the text in that logo, so that it reads" "[OSGeo] ICA Lab Network"...or
just use the 2 separate OSGeo and ICA logos and avoid this conversation.
On 2013-05-23 3:20 PM, Maria Brovelli wrote:
> Jeff, better OSGeo Lab because in my opinion what is unifying is OSGeo. In our case, for instance, we are not members of ICA, but Ludovico and I are chairs of ISPRS WGs. And the common aim of the labs is open source usage and promoting. Nothing agains ICA, obviously, just to clarify.
> Cheers.
> Maria
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> On May 23, 2013, at 8:11 PM, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
>> Looks good.
>> Obviously we'll use ICA & OSGeo logos (but if we do use the OSGeo logo
>> that is currently displayed on that page, I suggest the logo text "Labs
>> on the Network" be changed to "ICA Lab Network").
>> We should decide soon on what menu structure we need (such as "Home",
>> "Labs", "Join the Network", "Communication", "Events", "Opportunities",
>> "Resources", ...) and any sub-pages.
>> Question: maybe we also need a Twitter account just for this network
>> (@osgeo-ica) ? Of course someone would have to maintain this, but,
>> could be useful. -maybe this is too much to maintain, but, it popped
>> into my head.
>> -jeff
>> On 2013-05-23 8:11 AM, Suchith Anand wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Just to clarify, the first draft of website that Manuel send
>>> www.conlibre.org/osgeolabs <http://www.conlibre.org/osgeolabs> is just
>>> for all of us to get idea of the structure and give feedback. I think
>>> that he put some sample text and pictures just to show the draft
>>> structure. He can now start adding contents from our wiki page and also
>>> links of all labs etc .
>>> Some suggestions:
>>> 1. We need to have the mission statement in the homepage and logos of
>>> OSGeo and ICA on the top. We can also put logos of all member lab
>>> universities in the bottom.
>>> 2. I tried registering to the website, so I can add content put haven’t
>>> received any confirmation. Could you please check.
>>> 3. For the repository section - please provide links to both
>>> http://www.osgeo.org/educational_content
>>> http://elogeo.nottingham.ac.uk/xmlui
>>> Once you have mirror of ELOGeo setup locally you can point to that link etc.
>>> 4. Map with link to all current and in progress labs
>>> 5. Redirect the url to OSGeo subdomain www.osgl.osgeo.org
>>> <http://www.osgl.osgeo.org>
>>> Many thanks again for Manuel and his colleagues for their efforts on
>>> this and looking forward to updated website. Please send your feedbacks,
>>> comments to Manuel. Thanks.
>>> Suchith
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>> --
>> Jeff McKenna
>> MapServer Consulting and Training Services
>> http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/
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Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services
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